Mastering Self-confidence.

in Q Inspired-by-Music6 months ago

This week, I came across one of the most self-confident people I've encountered in a long time!

I stepped out briefly to get something from a minimart around my house. Beside this minimart was an open bar. As I entered the minimart, I heard noises coming from the direction of the bar. Naturally, I peeped to know whether to flee or stay put because such sounds either preceded chaos or jubilation. Thankfully, it was the latter.


A lady, say in her late twenties to early thirties, was the cause of the uproar. Immediately she set foot into the bar, the few people around who knew her began cheering. In such a situation, I would expect the person being cheered to openly and loudly acknowledge the cheers, but she didn't. She just smiled to no one in particular and walked with her head up high to a cozy spot at the corner of the bar.

First off, people who get cheered that way in a bar are either alcoholics or big spenders. My instincts didn't want to accept that she was an alcoholic because she looked too good to be one. Then again, It was my first time seeing her and I wasn't going to jump into any form of conclusion. My inquisitive nature had already taken a front and I had to quench the thirst.

I noticed the minimart attendant, whom I have known for some time now, gawking in the lady’s direction and that was my chance. “This one that you're looking at the woman like this, do you know her?” and it was like my question created a crack in a high pressure tank filled to the brim. The minimart attendant went on and on about how much he admires the lady because of how well she spoils herself and how highly she carries herself. He said she visits the bar once a month but she doesn't just make herself happy, she carries everyone along.


After getting the whole gist, I headed home. On my way though, I kept pondering; a classy and confident looking lady who finds time to make not just herself but everybody around her happy. It seemed like her presence alone was enough to put smiles on people’s faces. This could probably be as a result of her past actions, however, I ended my pondering with two questions; one, when was the last time I went on a fun yet solo outing? Two, can I comfortably say that my presence can bring smiles to people?

Personally, I do not buy the whole solo outing to a recreational spot idea; at least not yet. I can always get my peace and quiet at home for free but stepping out to a recreational spot with the mindset of relieving stress or finding peace can come at a price, whether monetary or otherwise. Nonetheless, the closest I come to solo outings are my regular evening strolls which I embark on to prevent myself from turning into one of the furniture at home. This means that about 98% of my outings involve people and there is usually an underlying and important purpose for such outings.

The answer to the second question wouldn't seem right coming from me. This is because I could be of the notion that someone or some people are elated whenever they see me but these people may have an entirely different notion. Nonetheless it doesnt change the way I feel about myself and that is what matters the most.

You know, many of us are caught up in the moment. Twenty-four hours seems too little to accomplish the numerous goals we’ve set for ourselves and that sends spending ‘alone time’ down the priorities list because “why spend time doing what makes you happy or trying to recuperate when you could use that time to accomplish more goals?” Here is a little reminder that mental breakdowns and burnouts are real things.

Taking a little time off wouldn't hurt anyone, instead, it saves many people. Taking breaks doesn’t mean weakness, rather, it goes to show that you're in it for the long haul. So, do not hesitate to take breaks when necessary and while you're at it, remember to spread kindness like confetti:)

Thumbnail Image is mine



Some people light up the room with their presence and that lady must be one of them. Anyway, I like how you reflected upon things afterward. Thank you for reminding us about taking a break. It is a must these days. We should not take it for granted as it's necessary for our well-being.

We should not take it for granted as it's necessary for our well-being.

Exactly. If only many people could understand this.

So, do not hesitate to take breaks when necessary and while you're at it, remember to spread kindness like confetti:)

Thank you for this priceless advice. It very important in Niger of today.

You are most welcome @lightpen :)


You need a solo outing?

Let's go out😍..

Don't worry, you wouldn't even notice that I'm there😂


I'll pass 😂 I like my bed too much.

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