Phone Photography Contest - 30.....La belleza de un atardecer. Esp - Eng.

in Feel Good5 months ago

Saludos a todos aquí, en este concurso genial donde no hay que ser fotografo experto ni profesional, pero que si nos guste este lindo arte de la fotografia, que tambien lo unico que si es que debe ser con los celulares, que ahora vienen con camaras, como han evolucionado.

Es mas accesible ya que la mayoria de las personas tenemos celulares, mas comodos de llevar y tomar esa foto en esos momentos unicos, porque cada dia hay cosas nuevas a las cuales tomar fotos, como este atardecer.


Cada dia espero el atardecer a ver que nos regala, porque todos los dias son diferentes, unos con muchas nubes, otros con pocas nubes, como de diferentes colores, no siempre son dorados, pero son hermosos.


Este atardecer es visto desde mi casa de ahi la presencia de los cables electricos, sino fuera mejor la toma, pero vivir en comunidades es dificil un espacio abierto sino son los cables, son los arboles que estan cerca, pero aun con todos esos elementos extras, el atardecer sigue siendo bello.

Que papel tan importante juega el Sol desde que sale en el amanecer hasta el atardecer cuando ya se va, y los diferentes tonos y matices de colores que le da al cielo, que deja de ser azul para ser de otros colores.


Asi es mi entrada en este concurso de Phonography / Phone Photography Contest N° 30, de @untilwelearn, aquí el enlace para que puedan participar los demas,

Fotos tomadas con celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

Traducido con DeepL.

Separador con camaras..png

Greetings to everyone here, in this great contest where you do not have to be an expert or professional photographer, but if we like this beautiful art of photography, which also the only thing is that it must be with cell phones, which now come with cameras, as they have evolved.

It is more accessible since most people have cell phones, more comfortable to carry and take that picture in those unique moments, because every day there are new things to take pictures of, like this sunset.


Every day I wait for the sunset to see what it gives us, because every day is different, some with many clouds, others with few clouds, like different colors, they are not always golden, but they are beautiful.


This sunset is seen from my house, hence the presence of the electric wires, otherwise the shot would be better, but living in communities it is difficult to have an open space, if not the wires, it is the trees that are close by, but even with all those extra elements, the sunset is still beautiful.

What an important role the sun plays from sunrise to sunset, and the different tones and shades of colors it gives to the sky, which is no longer blue but other colors.


This is my entry in this Phonography / Phone Photography Contest N° 30, from @untilwelearn, here is the link for others to enter,

Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Translated with DeepL.

Vicent Hive General..png



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Nature probably has billions of colours, that's why we get new surprises every moment. The electric wires are really disturbing the view but these photos are still beautiful! :)