Sweet moment -Phone Photography ~47

in Feel Good β€’ last month

Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹

Here I am again joining another week of fun here on #phonography contest which is being hosted by our lovely friend @untilwelearn. Thank you very much, together with #ecency and the team... ❀

You've met Sasha before, the oldest stray cat in our backyard. She's pretty, 😻 so male cats come and stay as well. Sasha always gets pregnant but for whatever reason her babies do not survive kitten(hood). πŸ˜”

In this photo, I saw her nursing her kitten Tether and you see Sasha's looking a little embarrassed.😸 Isn't that how mothers feel like when nursing their babies in public? Thing is, these little ones I noticed couldn't keep quiet when they're hungry and this is the only solution to have peace. πŸ˜…

She's finally braver to show her face knowing that I am not going. Naughty hooman! πŸ˜…

As always Sasha feels secure that she didn't run away. She somehow knew and also act as the family's cat. She thinks, feels and act that she's one of us. By the way, this kitten survived kitten (hood). She herself had become a momma. πŸ₯° Good job, Sash! πŸ‘

It's a sweet thing and a feel good moment to witness how a cat, (an animal) cares for her offspring and seeing a satisfied kitten after the feeding and watch them play like good friends. πŸ₯°

This is all for now... see you later! Have a fantastic Friday, everyone! πŸ€—πŸ’―πŸ’₯πŸ’«πŸ’’


Wow, isn't all this the exact same feeling that we experience. The screaming of the children, the shyness of the mother.😊 It's beautiful! Congratulations sasha! 🐱

So true! πŸ˜…
Sasha says, "Thank you! " 😸
