Hello everyone! 👋
In this week's cool #phonography contest, I'll be sharing with you food photos that I had taken two Saturdays ago.
Time flies, my brother and his wife had celebrated their wedding anniversary again with us and some relatives.
It was a wonderful, chill evening with delicious food, music, and family. Ultimate feel good moment. 🥰
Started my dinner with cherries and blueberries. It had been a habit to have fruit/s before a meal. Apparently, it is best to consume fruits before a meal although for some which I also do will have fresh fruits as dessert, like a banana or yellow mangoes particularly that I don't want sugar close to bedtime (due to insomnia)... Only occasionally such as this evening, I allow myself. 😉
I so love this sushi, I picked two pieces...😋
There were two chicken dishes, I only managed to take a photo of this one, though.. 😋
Thought, I'll just say pass to the pizza but look at that,🥰 it's a heart shape and I couldn't resist picking a slice. With thin crust, it is so light which was great.
And this was my dinner plate, with a bit of this and that. Pasta, salad, chicken, etc.
And I had a little slice of cheese cake and a little slice of rice cake for dessert, why not? I'm taking antihistamine anyway for allergies which means I'll be able to sleep away. 😁 And I did! 💤💤💤
This is all for now... till later! Wonderful weekend, everyone! 🤗💯💫💢💥