Dear Honey, Baby, Munchkin Pie,
I know I'm keeping you to everyone for a long time now. I am really thankful that you are doing this for me even though you badly want to introduce yourself and meet my parents. Sorry that I can't give it to you right now but know that, secret or not, you are the best thing that happen to me, uber, uber. I might be keeping you now from my family, but soon, once I gain enough courage, I will shout it to the world that you are my man. And that I love you and I am so grateful for your existence.
So for now, let's keep this beautiful relationship of us and let me whispers my undying love to you tru text or call and let's fill it with a happy memories while also creating our best moments together, VIRTUALLY. And may the time come where I can flaunt you like a gold to my family. May the time also come where we can embrace and kiss shyly each other. Ahhh, I really want to kiss you. Fow now, let me send ny kisses to you through this cute emojis 😘😙😚😗😉. Sayonara for now!
09_mAhAL K!tA, iCkAw lHan sHaPat Na!_09
Loving You Hopelessly, Ruffa
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Oops, sorry, it's wrong letter. I think I type a wrong letter here. It's a letter of my younger self to her many boys before, a "Thank You Letter". You see, all of my relationship has been kept as a secret. Some of my friends may know it but never my family, especially my Mommy F. Lol. I always keep it to them because I am really not allowed to have a boyfriend. Mom doesn't really trust me and I know that she's afraid I might get you know, at the very young age so she doesn't want me to be in a relationship at a young age. But my, I am really good at keeping a secret that they never find out. Lol.
But then again, maybe I am just thinking that they never find out but in reality, they did and they are just keeping it from me. But well, whatever, I had fun with those secrets relationship I had during my younger years. Hiding while texting my bf online is so hard. But for the love of *kalandian", I'll risk it all. Those short relationship I had, really, and seriously helps me a lot. Most if them are really short and a secret relationship. There are some that wanted to travel in Mindoro just to see me but I never allowed it.
I always feel sorry whenever I had to stop them, but what to do? I am afraid to my oldies. And this is seriously the big reason why my relationship to those boys never last. I also hate calling then, so it is like just a relationship tru texting. I accept calls, rarely. I get mad too when some insist in doing it. And that's when our relationship will turn ugly, always ended fighting and then breaking up as a breaking point. But to be honest, I also want to call them. I want to talk to them too and hear sweet messages from them. But my fears to my Mom always stops me from doing so.
And they are the people too who help me during my lonely days but I never grant them their one wish. Aigooo. I am really bad, bad girl. I feel bad so, even though I showed them how grateful I am to them, so if ever they can read this letter, I sincerely want to let them know how important they are to me. Yep, it is not just a letter to one particular person, but to all of my ex's. To all the boys who have help me in those hard time without them knowing it. Haaaaa, I really want this to be a funny entry but I ended up writing a serious one. Lol. And with explanation pa ha, lol.
But at least, in the short letter I wrote, that's the sweet, cringe and clingy version of me who wrote that. I am really "pabebe" back then. Like may pa "i luv u" pa and "i can't live w/o u" pa using a pabebe voice ackkkkkkh 🤢. Ewwww 🙄.
Anyways, I hope my entry is okay, haha, I mean, it's really just a short letter, lol. Guys @jane1289, @leannwithdoublen, @tegoshei, @mooontivated, join us with this HivePH challenge too if you want. Doesn't matter if you are single, you can just write a letter for your hated ex, or most loved ex's. It'll be fun for sure. Hit this link for more infor. UwU
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