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RE: A Thank You Letter to My "Dear You" Who Have Helped Me During My Most Vulnerable Time Without Knowing It

in Hive PH7 days ago

I can relate your young days' time; I have a same experience you have with pabebe time, the part of the poor boys even not being serious to them they still did they're part to being nice boys. but the part of my mother they are Strick, but they allow me to have boyfriend but only in our house, no boys cannot talk to me on the road or going out for date, only can talk to me in our house. If I will go meeting boys outside our house our in the school, I have so many boys' cousin like a gangster when they see me, they beat the boy that what they told me, and I know that they will do it that is my fear meeting boys outside and hiding my relationship to my parents. anyway while reading your story straight all flashback to me my personal experience and I also laughing and I'm thinking that how brave you are to do that, I wish I could do that before. See what my big regret is? I never had experience to go barangay disco and baylehan hakhakhak😂


Ohhh, that's cool they allow it. Mom is so mahigpit to me huhu. And now they're asking me to find asawa na, eh ayaw ko naman. Lol.

never had experience to go barangay disco and baylehan

But it's the same sakin, I never experienced it din. Although malakas look ko to have a juwa, but going out is a no, no for mr. It's too risky. Haha

Will come the period of some people they become so independent and very happy contented alone, I have so many friends like that, but anyway we have our own choice how to be contented and happy to our life.