God created man in His image. The image of God is not that of violence and Trouble. God is a peace giver. He is not just going to make peace, He will give peace where there is no peace. God is a forgiving God. He forgives all our iniquities and pardons us. So, the God who created us created us to occupy the world in peace.
Our peace became threatened when we allowed the devil into our hearts. When our first parents disobeyed God's commandments, they opened the door for the devil to come into a peaceful world which God has given unto us. The devil is now planting the seed of violence and troubles in the world.
The seed of the devil breeds violence everywhere in the world. We experience hardship and afflictions because there is no peace. Our ears have become weary of the news of war and terrorism. Criminality and corruption make life boring. Men have become traumatized by the violence and troubles in the world.
To be a peacemaker, we have to allow God to rule our hearts and minds. We must begin to bring forth the fruits of righteousness. We must live like the children of God. When we give our hearts to God, the Holy Spirit will teach us how to dwell peaceably with all men.