in MCGI Cares Hive18 days ago

Our death tells us something very important. That is the fact that judgement is coming. Judgement is inevitable. After death men will face judgement. We should be prepared in our hearts that when we die, we will not end our lives like other animals or plants, we have judgement waiting for us. This is a very important thing which we must not discard carelessly. We must put it to heart that something much more serious than death is coming - judgement is coming.

Hebrews 9:27 (KJV) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Everyone living has an appointment with death. There is no way we can ignore this fact. There might be people who will be there when the end of the world will come. Some people will be there when Jesus Christ shall return. There is an appointment which we cannot ignore. We do not know when we will die. It is God who will decide that. That is why our lives do not belong to us. Our lives belong to God. He alone can decide when we will die


This is such an important reminder. Death isn’t the end judgment comes after. Since we don’t know when our time will come, we should live right and be prepared. Our lives are in God’s hands, and only He decides when it’s time. A very deep and meaningful message!