What Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hiveyesterday

A true disciple is a true follower. A follower is someone who follows instructions and teachings of a master. When we follow the teachings of the church which the Lord Jesus Christ taught us, then we will be regarded as the followers of Jesus Christ. The church is the household of God. The teachings of Jesus Christ to the church are the teachings of God. Those who obey these teachings of Jesus Christ are the true followers of Jesus Christ.

There are those who obey God's commandments partly. These kinds of people choose the part of the commandments which are convenient for them and subscribe to that. To them, they are not ready to endure much pains for the sake of God. We should be willing to obey God's commandments in totality. We should not be partial disciples.

For us to be the true disciples of Jesus Christ, let us obey His doctrines. Let us accept His doctrines and His teachings. Let us follow everything which He has set out for us. When we follow the whole teachings of Jesus Christ, we will become His true disciples.