There is forgiveness of sin for everyone who confesses his sins. The Bible says that if we confess our sins that God is faithful and just to forgive us our trespasses. So, we should boldly come to God and ask for forgiveness from every sin. We should not his our sins from God. Whosoever hids his sin shall not receive mercy. It is when we confess our sins that we can receive forgiveness.
The Bible says that we must not continue in sin for grace to abound. We are not sinners. If we have accepted the doctrines of Jesus Christ and repented from our sins, we should not continue in sin. Those who continue in sin should not think that the grace of God will always cover them. We must repent of our sins. We must live holy. Sinning should not be our lifestyle.
There are sins that are known as sin unto dead. Sin unto dead are the sins which shall not be forgiven. Those are the sins of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. We must avoid going into sin willfully. Let us run away from all kinds of sin. Let us obey the doctrines of Jesus Christ. Let us obey the commandments of God. Let us try to live holy.