Financial Obligations 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive17 days ago

Part of our obligation is to the well being of our brethren. The Bible teaches us to do good to the members of the household of faith. We have a responsibility to care for our brethren.

In the church of God, we are one family. As a family, we care for one another. We must always look after the brethren to show them good. Love means caring. Good brotherhood means caring. In the church we are brothers and we care for others.

Let us love the brethren. Let us care for one another. Let us love one another. Let us give to make our brethren happy. Let us be concerned about the happiness of the brethren.

In the gathering, we should look out for each other. We should observe each other to know where they need help. Our love for one another must be strong. We must love one another. We should not be selfish or self centered. We should express true love.


Life should not always be all about us. We should put our neighbors in mind as well. Thanks for sharing