in MCGI Cares Hive9 months ago

If the world was to ranked those that worry a lot, I bet you I'd make it to the top five...

For a reason I cannot phatom I'm particularly grateful that I'm part of these community @mcgicares on hive, most of the time when I watched the videos and listen to bro Eli Seriano, teaches and narrates the biblical context in real life scenerio, I feel blessed, and the pictures are more clearer now.

Growing up life was so obscure I didn't really get hold of anything, part of it cause I was often verbally abused and so these generate lots of low self esteem in me, I was often depressed, like I wasn't even good enough for anything, everything I do makes these around me laugh at me, all of these things often makes me worry a lot about what people will say, how will they see me, I began to wish I was someone else other than my self, I see everyone has been perfect, I did a lot of comparison and how everyone was better than me.

I would worry about everything, here and there, Infact it would take days for me to get over something, that was how I would worry, thinking, depressed, anxious about everything, so one day after lecture reluctantly sluggishly made it to church, and that evening was my breakthrough

I didn't How I stumbled upon the book of Mathew 6 : 25-7

which of you by worrying can add a cubit height to himself...the light in this word made it so clear to me that I was just worrying, anxious over absolutely nothing, like I saw the emptiness in disturbing myself over nothing, why was I disturbed, it was like a heavy log of wood lifted off my chess, from that day on, quite worrying...that was my formula to overcoming Worries and anxiety...

I really had to throw in my personal experience on that cause when I saw this topic review that was the first thought that came to mine and I dim it necessary to share my part of the story... HOW I OVERCAME

BRO ELI with his graceful word anchored his teachings on words of Apostle Paul in the book of Phillipians 4:6

But by prayers and supplication let your request be made known unto God, there's a very popular hymn we use to sing in our local church, it says a lot but the main massage in that song says


what's that issues you've been trying to solve, what's the burden upon your heart, what's that secret tears and wishes that only you in the whole world knows about, you've tried your best as a human take it to the lord in prayers, down on your knees let you request be made know mind you with THANKSGIVING

Accord to the Philippians 4:7 God's word said when you lay it all at his feet all your worries and cares, God will give unto you peace that passes the understanding of men, peace can only be in the abcent of chaos, trouble, war and crime, so when ever you experiencing turmoil, unrest in your heart about a lot of things which you can't fix..c'ommon go talk to God about it

That's exactly what I experienced that even in church when I stumbled upon the book of Mathew 6 : 27, so I'm like if all I've been thinking and anxious about I can't undo it or do anything about it, so what's the point of worrying, I can't fix it, no matter how you regret your actions You can never change the paste, but it's up-to you to determine the future and fix it...

That scripture brought light to me and from that day my life has never been the same again,

i don't worry, complain or disturb myself about anything, I simply plan, strategies, work towards it, pray fervently about it and allow GOD'S WILL BE DONE

thank you for having me


Keep up your great work!

Worry is not good. Jesus told us not to worry