What Is The Right Path In The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive8 days ago

The Bible way is the right path. If we are looking for the right path, we will follow the Bible path. The Bible path is the path which God has established. There is no other better way than the way which God has set in the Bible.

The Bible path is the ancient path. It is the path which God has set right from creation. God has revealed Himself to us through His word. The Bible contains the Word of God. The Word of God is our perfect guide through life. Everyone who wants to please God in this world must follow after the way set out in the word of God.

The way which is set out in the word of God is the commandments of God. God has given us guidelines on how we should live and please Him in His Word. He gave these commandments to Abraham and the Israelites when He started His covenant with them. The Israelites were to follow His ordinances as He gave me them in His law.

In this dispensation, God has sent His Son, Jesus Christ to show us the way. The Lord Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth and the life. Anyone who wants to get to the Father must follow the way that Jesus Christ has laid out.

Following the teachings of the church of God will lead us in the right path. Listening to the doctrines of Jesus Christ and obeying them is the right path in the Bible.


Exactly 💯
The bible's path a path in which God has set right from creation