It is another day to pursue our life's challenges. We should not forget the admonition of the Word of God which admonishes us to remain calm in every situation. We should remember that the Bible advises us to cast all our cares on God knowing that He cares for us. We should not forget the promises of God to us. He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Casting all our cares on God will help us to tap into the peace of God which is available unto us in Christ Jesus. The peace of God that passes all understanding is what Our Lord Jesus Christ promised us. When we fix our eyes on God, we will not have any problem whatsoever that will be able to afflict us.
In the world, Jesus Christ told us that we can only be offered tribulations. That means that there is no peace in the world. The world knows no peace. The world is traumatized in all aspects. It is the lack of peace in the world that causes many people to put themselves into social vices and other criminal activities. The world is as hot and hurting as anything. There is no peace.
Let us stay calm as we look up unto Jesus Christ who promised us peace. The peace of God is a perfect peace.