Image created in canva

In this Shadowhunters entry, I have been able to capture beautiful photos of my two baby cats, and one of them yawning 😅 That's why I'm leaving it as the first entry in this contest. The one that's yawning is called "Eiji", and the orange one is called "Simba" like in the Lion King movie. These two members of my family are always with me, even in the worst moments, giving me their warm cat love.

💫My entry in SMASh Shadowhunters, round 362

The sun shines through my window too much, luckily this week I got curtains, but just that same day, when I came home, I managed to capture these beautiful images where my babies enjoy the sun from above. Since I live on the third floor, and almost in the center of my neighborhood, the constant movement and noises attract their attention a lot, and since they are cats, their curiosity is immense.
ydaiznfts#1000 El club de Los Pelones
Thanks for reading, huge hug from ydaiz⭐