Hey everyone, as I'm still finding my way in to the rest of the Hive community, and other non-splinterlands posts get little attention, I'm looking for other ways at then I found this great contest, shadows can be awesome!
I saw this contest pass by on my time line last week, and I thought 'well I need to pay attention for cool shadows on my daily life from now on' but then kinda forgot about it again... 😅
New habbit needs some time to land inside my brain I suppose, but then I was sitting on the couch yesterday evening, watching a series with the family on Disney+ when a pretty shadow got my attention, and it was inside my own house!
So, out of the blue I got up from the couch, got my phone and hurried to the kitchen while my wife was like 'what is happening??' 😂
In the evening on better days, the evening sun shines trough our kitchen window very pretty and we can see the sun setting down on the farm land in front of the house, so, without further ado here's my entry.

The sun wasn't at it's strongest but the flowers cast a pretty shadow on the wall next to them 😍
This next picture gives it some more context, and I think it's the better picture of the two - so I'd like to enter the contest with the second picture 😊
Like I said, the shadow was unexpected because the sun wasn't there the entire time, so I didn't have time to clean up 😋