SMASh 312: Beacon Hill Eco-Park Entrance Gate Shadows

Good evening, everyone.

I am back for another Show Me A Shadow Photo Contest by @melinda010100 and I am joining for round 312. These photos were taken last Christmas when my mom and I, together with her friends, visited the UK-inspired theme park in Tublay, Benguet, up in the mountains, where they have UK flags decorated all over the park and UK decorations like their iconic buses, food, coffee, the old telephone booth and many more. We went there around lunch time and it was. a little warm but not very hot. The sun was directly on us so there were shadows everywhere. One thing I caught was the shade on the entrance. I took three photos of it. You can see the shadows on the ground, and the other one was me walking to the telephone booth after the entrance. I thought it would be a cool entry for this week.

(This is my photo entry)

(second photo)

(3rd photo)

(and this is me)

That's all for tonight. Thank you for reading. I am going ahead and getting some rest because I was so tired from school today. We did practice for our foundation day on Friday. Goodnight.

Your 11-year-old friend

March 12, 2024

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Beautiful shadow photos, Nani! Good luck on the contest!

Hi, tita. Thank you 😍

This, infact are all cool entry dear. The collour contrast green nature and red entry goes hand in hand.

Thank you @shamis

These are indeed cool shadows, Nani :)

Thank you, mommy 😍

The view from that place must be excellent. Very nice shots

Thank you, @georgehive 😊

Thank you 😍

Beautiful shadow

Thank you @khushboo108

Beautiful shadow photos and a great view!


Thank you very much 😍

Thank you 😍

Nice shadow shot bunso. Good luck.

Thank you, tita 😍

Your welcome, bunso.😍