Shadow Hunters Smash Contest Round 336: My Entry

in Shadow Hunters5 months ago

Another great day to share shadows with everyone.
This is my entry for the shadow hunters smash contest round 336.
This is my entry photo:

I thought of what I could get shadows of and share for this round and found my hand fan.
This hand fan is my second companion whenever it's hot and their is no power supply for the fans.
I also love the color of the fan, when I wanted to purchase it, I saw other colors like blue, red and yellow, but I love the orange.

Here are the rest of the shadows I got.

I was able to do this with the aid of a torch light and my cellphone. While I shone the light from above the fan, I as well used my cellphone to get the shadow photos. Shadows can be gotten by different means but since it's bright here, I had to use the torch light to generate mine.

This is my participation for the Shadow Hunters smash contest round 336.


You captured beautiful shadow pictures 👍