Light Breakfas
A very cordial greeting friends of the community, hoping that this new year comes loaded with well-being and a lot of health that is the most important thing for all, accompanied by my husband we went shopping to the supermarket that is a little removed from home, after that, we made our morning walk arriving at the small park that is located on one side of the avenue. We both sat and talked for a while, while we had breakfast with bread and juice that we had bought, a nephew called us to pick us up and take us home, to wait for him we sat on a bench facing the front of the avenue, to be able to watch when he arrived in his car.
It was very early and the park was still alone, the warm sun began to peek timidly from the east and warmed us up, it was the right sun that does us good at that time of the morning, the one that gives us vitamins, after breakfast. I took advantage of this placid moment to walk inside the park and take some photos, I discovered these shadows that were accentuated in the grass and they seemed to me ideal to participate in the Shadows Contest, when the year begins the streets are empty, there is not so much bustle, the traffic is clearer and the city is calm and very clean.
Desayuno Ligero
Un saludo muy cordial amigos de la comunidad, esperando que este nuevo año venga cargado de bienestar y mucha salud que es lo más importante para todos, acompañada de mi esposo fuimos de compra al supermercado me queda un poco retirado de casa, después, de ello hicimos nuestro paseo matutino llegando al pequeño parque que se encuentra a un lado de la avenida. Ambos nos sentamos y conversamos un rato, mientras desayunábamos con pan y un jugo que habíamos comprado, nos llamó un sobrino que nos venia a recoger y llevarnos a casa, para esperarlo nos sentamos en un banco que daba al frente de la avenida, para poder observar cuando llegara en su auto.
Era muy temprano y el parque estaba aún solo, el cálido sol comenzó asomarse tímidamente por el este y nos calentaba, era el sol adecuado que nos hace bien a esas horas de la mañana, el que nos aporta vitamina, después de desayunar. Aproveché este placido momento para caminar dentro del parque y tomar algunas fotos, descubrí estas sombras que se acentuaban en el césped y me parecieron ideal para participar en el Concurso de Sombras, cuando comienza el año las calles se mantienen vacías, no hay tanto bullicio, el transito esta mas despejado y la ciudad se muestra tranquila y muy limpia.