One of my sister’s side jobs is an online customer service representative. It’s actually her favorite job because she gets to do it anywhere but it’s demanding. My sister was doing our laundry yesterday and asked me to do her job for about 2 hours. Within those two hours I almost experienced heart failure, Whattt! Customer service representative is not an easy job. She manages the sales of a very famous instagram denim store. It’s boldly written in their bio that it’s solely payment before delivery and the items are sold on preorder.
They were running a 20% discount sale so there were plenty orders coming in. I’m inexperienced but I was doing the job well and consulting my sister anytime I needed to. I’m sure I would have become employee of the day if not for one particular woman.
This woman texted about a particular jeans. She started asking if it could be paid on delivery. I explained it was against the company policy.
Let’s be real here, in as much as people are scared of online vendors, vendors are also scared of customers because you could also scam them after getting your package. She started talking plenty so I told her to only buy from us if she trusts us, no pressure. She later texted that she had paid and I asked for screenshot of the payment. She asked why and I explained that there were about 100 plus payments coming in due to the sales so sending a screenshot would help me track her payment faster to secure her order.
She said no, I should stop what I’m doing and confirm. I assured her I was going to do that later because I had a lot of people to get back to. She started calling me a thief and saying that I was scamming her.I was now confused because none of that made sense. She said she was going to report the account to cyber crime unit and then started insulting me.That’s when my heart stopped beating and I knew I needed a new heart because at that point the only thing I could think of was a gun.
Just kidding(whispering: I’m not kidding). I was so ready to say my mind and then my sister came for the phone to handle her. In this case,I was the customer service rep and look at what the customer did to me when I was just really all nice to her from the start.If I was the one doing the job, I’m sure I would have been so rude to the rest of the customers because it really ruined my day.
Most of the reason why customer service reps behave how they do is because of how the customers behave. Yesterday, I was at the other side of the table for only 2 hours and I couldn’t breathe. If I get a customer service rep job, I think I would need a gun and extra heart.