Environmental and Climatic Shifts: A View from India

in Project HOPE8 months ago

Hello all #LEO Lovers and #Hive Friends


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The environment and weather of the place we lives play a major role in our lifestyle. The geographical conditions play a important role on weather. India is rich country in such case as we have variety of geographical conditions. The North side of the country has high mountains which always covered with show. The southern and western part is costal area and more humid then the northern parts. In the north west we have a desert and north east is also has mountains. We has wide range bio diversity also similar to to the geographical diversity. We enjoy all four weather's- winter, summer, raining, and spring. We are in month of August now and it's raining season here.

The raining season starts form June and ends in September month. The western and Southern parts of India has most of the rainfall and average rainfall in those areas is 400 cm and northern parts had less raining as compare to the western part. If we check the overall rainfall then itbis aproximately 118 cm. I am form northern area and in thjs part we have average rainfall I'm between 60 to 90 cm. This year we have already passed more then half the raining season but still the raining is less then the expectations and looks like the summer season has extended as compare to the previous years. I have experienced the worst summer this year till now. The temperature rose upto 52.9 degrees Celsius in capital city which is aproximately 250 km form our location. In our area the maximum temperature recorded during the summer season was 45.3 degrees Celsius and the extreme heat wave made the life difficult. It was like buring when we go out in sun light. The fans were not at all effective in such conditions and Air Conditions were the only effective wag to get yourself comfortable. Thanks God the electricity was working fine mostly during out the season otherwise the life must be more difficult. The sift of season is become more frequent and the Conditions are eating worse every year. The higher temperature during summer made new records every season and during the winter also temperature is going down. The hight temperature during summer and irregular raining during monsoon season is the result of our activities which effects the environment badly and deforestation is major one. I remeber that during last season monsoon season the high rainfall made the flooding situation in major parts. The cloud burst jn mountains made the condition even worst. Transportation was effected badly and the in some areas the roads were completely destroyed. And this year it's mostly opposite as we have a very less rainfall in our area even on other parts of country they have good monsoon season. But I must share the monsoon season started late. The southern parts itself got the rain late as compare to normal season. The season shift becoming common an many countries and that is alarming many other natural activities are depends on the duration of different seasons. For example the agricultural, and most of the Indian population depends on agricultural. The change in season duration and irregular seasons effects badly this season. The vegetation and fruit plants also not produce well because of same which results in higer market price of even season food items.

If we look for reason for all those weather changes then scientific season is the global warming and we human are are responsible for same. The deforestation and uses of fossil fuel are the major contributors. The Government has taken action by promoting the renewable sources of energy like solar panel and wind mills. The subsidy on installation of solar panels is also one such initiative by government. The increase of jungle of concrete in place of the green jungle is also one reason for global warming. The concrete has high specific heat, it absorb the heat and release slowly. The government is doing their job but as a responsible citizen of country we must also contribute by less using the fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable source of energy.

This is my participation post for Initiative: August Monthly Prompt
Check the above link for more details.

What are your view let me know in comment section.

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