Namasteš Dear friends, Now again i am here to participate here in this #LMAC collage contest round-209. Beneficiaries are:- @lmac 20% @quantumg @alex2alex 2%
Please visit on collage contest page to know more information to participate in this contest šClick here
I made this collage with the help of photoshop 2020 and took few images from #lil library and few are taken from the pixabay website, all the sources are mentioned on the post. Hope you all will like it.
As per my collage you can see one big tortoise holding one bottle over his mouth and two human is also supporting this big bottle.
You can see a big city is inside the bottle. You can remember the scene on the movies "pirates of caribbean", where big ships were kept at small bottle and when we broke the bottle then ships were converted in to his main bigger sizes.
That movie concept i tried here to do the same, and if a city is inside the bottle then why not a tortoise can hold the bottle over his mouth.
If science will grow in this stage then a whole world can be pack on a bottle and when all world will destroyed than that bottle can break to get the new world again. imagination can be anything, as i presented here.
Now i aspect comments from you all on this collage concept.
Thanks a lot for visiting on my blog and giving your precious time...