I grew up with the idea that if I read a lot of books, memorized a lot and got good grades, I was smart for getting good grades.The truth is that a grade or an academic exam never measures the totality of our abilities and much less determine how successful we will be in adult life, but it does define how disciplined and committed you become to something, on the other hand, bad grades show how lazy and uncommitted we are in a certain activity.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to the circumstances and problems that life presents us with, always with a positive attitude. The smarter we are, the better response we will give to whatever comes our way. parav Making the best out of moments of crisis is something that only very smart people understand, which is why they are obsessed with solving problems, and why others give up so easily.
Intelligence is an accumulation of information that we gather from books, of information that school gives us, but, on the other hand, wisdom is the experience that life gives us.Wisdom is knowing how to handle Intelligence.many people believe that being intelligent is knowing a little of everything and it is not so.there are many things that even the most geniuses ignored, but that does not mean they are fools, because they themselves know that knowledge is infinite and we learn new things every day we breathe.
I consider myself a normal person, I have nothing special, I have made too many mistakes in my life to consider myself intelligent, but I was very disciplined in school, especially because I like to read a lot.what I do believe is that I have been lucky to have lived so many things when I was young, good things and bad things and that has given me an experience that I did not have and that has allowed me to see the world as it is, because it is and not as I imagined it.Now I am less naive than before, now I am more selective, cautious with my friendships, not because I do not like to share and socialize with people, but because I am no longer to surround myself with fake people, I prefer a thousand times the peace that nature gives me..
The photos published in this blog are my own property.