Does intelligence determine who is a good person?

in Weekend Experiences9 days ago

On the screen of the mobile phone, a notification for a call from my senior colleague appears.
He is a good man, always ready to help, and he is in charge of managing a branch where we often went. When we had business in that branch, he always hosted us nicely and was an exemplary host.
With that, he deserved to answer the first ring of his call...

"Hello dear friend, what can I do for you," I asked him.
"Can you help me, that is, check, why the monthly charge of my phone number is so high? For months I have been receiving bills that are quite high, so even though I use my office phone for private needs, it seems to me that the bill is high".
"Sure, give me 10 minutes to check the listings of your number".

Already at the first glance at the listing for his number, I concluded what was the cause of that expense.
VAS, or Value-Added Services.
We just needed to find which service was involved, whether he activated it by accident or on purpose and when he activated it, in order to find how to deactivate it.
When I looked at all the previous listings and accounts, I froze.
His consumption for regular traffic amounted to €15 to €20 per month, and VAS services, which were billed to him monthly, debited his account for another €40.
And so 8 months ago.

When I called him and told him what was going on, he barely remembered that he had sent some messages more than half a year ago, but now he doesn't remember exactly when. Considering that I told him when the charging of the same started, he found in his phone among the sent messages several that activated those services.
That SMSs contained information about the deactivation of the same, but not that every 7 days until they are canceled, his number will be charged for the amount of the service.

I felt sorry for him when he admitted to me what that service was about.
"Considering what I did to myself by activating that service and how much money I wasted, it is clear that the quiz I activated shows exactly what I should have checked. Am I and how intelligent".

I explained to him that many operators use those VAS scams, and that he is not the only victim, but that he should avoid any similar voting, participation in some programs, "free" downloading of music and movies, etc.
I could not judge his intelligence, because who am I to have the right to such a thing.

When I saw the topic, one of several, that galenkp posted for this week:
What does the word intelligence mean to you in the human context (yourself or others) and why? Do you feel you are intelligent or not, explain in either case
I thought about my intelligence and the question that my mother-in-law jokingly asked a few days ago, when she asked the three of us "Who is the smartest of us". Each of us is smart, and no one is smart for everything.
It is the same with intelligence.
I can say for myself that I am intelligent, but only partially. There are areas where my intelligence (and my knowledge) is below average.

Ok, I'm good at logical and mathematical questions, I know that I get along in space, in nature, I have emotional intelligence, empathy towards others, I'm social and a socially acceptable being, and I have strong moral principles and ethics, I can understand the wishes and needs of others, as well as my own...

But if I mention linguistic or musical intelligence, I'm on thin ice.
I'm not good at languages. The English language that I studied in schools for years, I completely forgot about not using it, so now I really enjoy using it in Hive.
I like to listen to music, I would say that I even have a rhythm, but if I tried to produce some meaningful tone on a guitar string or piano chords, it wouldn't sound right.

When I was younger, some friends and relatives urged me to play chess. They say, playing chess, you develop intelligence.
My grandfather gave me this board with wooden pieces that he also used to play chess, but he didn't manage to get me interested in becoming a serious player.

I played chess for fun, I never reached those levels of thinking a few steps ahead.
Does that make me less intelligent?
Maybe I am, but I don't care. I know people who are excellent chess players, but totally withdrawn into themselves, with no desire for contact with other people, totally asocial and without empathy.
And then again, I also know chess players who are not like that, but very empathetic, social.

In any case, one thing is certain.
In life, it is important to be a good person, and to improve your skills and knowledge for doing good to yourself and the people around you.

Intelligence and all the knowledge of this world are for nothing, if you do not have morals, empathy and ethics, and if you are not ready to help someone who needs help.

I helped my colleague, I turned off those services that he activated in order to "measure" his intelligence, and by explaining that these are fraudulent attempts to take money, I tricked him a little, to make me think that he has no intelligence, because he may lack a little logical mathematical intelligence, but that's why he is the best in all other aspects. And that is not so easy to achieve, except when it is innate.


Допада ми се текст, @duskobgd, искористићу ову прилику за две напомене:

I played chess for fun, I never reached those levels of thinking a few steps ahead.
Does that make me less intelligent?

Шах није мера интелигенције, нити начин да се интелигенција развије. То је пре свега игра меморије са елементом стратегије. Прелепа игра, али ипак само и пре свега – игра! Ђаво долази по своје кад од игре направиш професију, и зато је твој деда био мудар човек што те није терао да будеш ‘озбиљан’ играч.

И друго: Ако још волиш да се играш шаха, придружи нам се у Blockchain Chess Team где је забава загарантована, а зарадити се понешто може чак и ако си (као ја) најгори шахиста на белом свету! 😊

Hvala 🙂

Moje znanje igre svodi se na pomeranje figura i na pokušaj da što duže ostanem u igri, braneći se od protivnika.
Pokusao sam ranine Immortal game da igram, ali sam brzo odustao, tamo su neki ozbiljni igrači. Nisam želeo da budem "protivnik za lake poene".
Ovde se organizujete u turnire, ne igra se stalno?

Тренутно се игра сезона са 12 турнира (једном недељно) што значи да траје три месеца. И последњи добија поене, тако да можеш да зарадиш минимум 12 поена само ако одиграш најмање три партије на сваком турниру – без обзира на резултат.

Vazi. Pogledacu. Ako igramo nalozima, prepoznacemo se😊
Taman da i ti (kako kazes najgori sashista na svetu) imas koga da deres 😁

Ево најаве за пето коло турнира, @duskobgd:

Отвори налог на ЛиЧесу и пријави се у The Blockchain Chess Team. Пошаљи поруку (или коментар) са именима на Хајву и ЛиЧесу организатору @stayoutoftherz, како би могао да зна коме да пошаље награду.

Дакле, петак 21.00 :)

ali, petak 28.02. mi je rodjendan, ne verujem da ću stići kući do 21.
Koliko dugo traje turnir, 70 minuta?

Срећан рођендан, @duskobgd, лепо га проведи! Биће још петака, има 12 кола у овој сезони :)

Hvala @lighteye 😀
Ako se vratim kuci ranije, mozda se i prikljucim :-)

Ako ne, sledeci petak sam sa vama...

I also think that we are all intelligent in our own way. I may be intelligent in some things but not in others, and each of us has our intelligent side. Greetings.