Sometimes I ask myself, why I am not born again with the experience I have today, how different everything would be... I say “maybe” because I am aware that everything happens with a purpose, I have learned that after having many good and bad experiences, that have led me to make many mistakes... Thanks to God I have had a pretty full life, with a few years to count; so I think I have a lot to share.
One of my mistakes, which has taught me the most, is to have been quite impulsive. From this mistake I learned that everything has its time and its moment, that, no matter how much we want something, you must learn to wait, observe, meditate, analyze, before making any decision that compromises your future in any way. This mistake taught me, through the consequences of those impulsive decisions, to take my time to make my next decisions. Today, every decision I make is no longer accompanied by impulsivity and that has given me security and has given me wellbeing, because my decisions are more accurate and that is already a gain.
Over time, I learned not to be so trusting with people from the beginning, that was a mistake that at the beginning of my life, earned me many disappointments and tears, after that, you could say that I learned to be cautious, in all areas of life, sentimental, family and friends, because in all these areas I have been affected by not being cautious. That is why at present, I am more reserved and first I see the actions of people who speak more than words; about who is who and that has prevented me less disappointments.
Among several mistakes from my past, these are the ones that stand out the most in my life story. Before, I used to wonder why such events happened to me that caused me sadness, disappointments, frustrations, among other emotions and feelings. But I understood that I had to make these mistakes, to learn, to obtain greater emotional and even physical well-being, because everything influences to have a more pleasant and productive life; it is here where I go back to the beginning; now I know that everything has a purpose or a reason to be, even if at first, we do not see it...

This is my participation in Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 238, greetings!

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