I almost always try to maintain a good attitude with other people, but there are times when I have unintentionally assumed attitudes that have not made me feel good about myself at a given moment. For example, today. In the afternoon I had a school meeting of representatives, about my daughter's last year of high school and all that implies, the planning of her graduation, God willing.
The meeting was at noon, practically and in my country at this time the sun punishes strongly at that time, so I arrived sweating to the place which was the amphitheater where the air conditioners were at their minimum capacity due to electrical problems, so I was not very comfortable as I would like. They started the meeting and the heat was pressing on top, those who were giving the talk, I think, talked too much and did not go to the point.
This made me more uncomfortable. Near me there were several well-known representatives together with their representatives, because it was a mixed meeting with students and parents; next to me there was a girl with her grandmother, whom I knew, because I studied with my daughter in previous years, the girl is very nice, but her grandmother is not so nice, because in other occasions, the lady had been quite unpleasant with me and my daughter...
So I greeted the girl, normal, but not the grandmother, because she is one of these people who do not socialize, so I ignored her. But at the moment when they were passing the attendance row by row and we representatives had to sign up, I took out my pen, because I usually carry one, because pens are almost always scarce in these meetings. But to my surprise, on this occasion the attendance sheet was accompanied by its respective pen, but I still took out mine, signed my attendance and put it away.
I passed the attendance sheet to the girl with everything and the assigned pen, for her grandmother to sign and I don't know why, the girl asked me for my pen to give it to her grandmother to sign. My face was a poem, I could not hide my annoyance, I lent it to her very seriously, because I did not want to lend it to that unfriendly woman. But instantly I knew that I had acted badly with that sweet girl.
I knew I had to apologize to her, so I thought of a way to do it. I knew I had to do it... the girl, when she gave me back the pen apologetically (because she sensed my discomfort), I felt worse. So I thought of a way to ingratiate myself with her; I had some mint candies in my bag, so I took them and distributed them among my neighbors and the first candy was for her, I gave it to her with a big smile, she received it surprised, but she gave me back the smile, then I knew that I had apologized...

I invite you guys to participate, this is the Link, greetings!!!

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The pictures belong to my personal gallery