We vegetarians eat Paneer a lot. Basically it's our goto dish for any party, pr if we go out. But now the problem is the Paneer is also not healthy. Means a lot of places we get paneer which is made up from chemicals and not from the milk. The analog paneer is less pricy than the real paneer.
PC: Pixabay.com
The real paneer is around Rs 500 per kg whereas the analog paneer is only Rs 200 per kg. And that's why it's being used by the restaurant a lot. Recently I saw some places that the Subway, KFC and McDonalds also use the Analog paneer instead of the real paneer and that is making Mr really worry. The Analog Paneer is not healthy at all and that's why we have decided to not eat Paneer outside.
If there is party at home, we will buy the paneer directly from the source and do a test before consuming. Actually we can do a iodine test to see if it's a real paneer or fake paneer. But it's a matter of time we will not be able to find what's the real paneer or the fake paneer. So we have also started to get the milk and then using that milk to create the paneer at home. Yeah it's a little tiresome process but it's a better option to have health at home.
Now people who don't know about it, try to consume it outside. We think it's a good paneer, it will be healthy and it will give us protein but that's not the case. The business owner wants to have more and more money. The best way is to reduce the costs. So they have reduced the costs by 150% by changing the real paneer to the analog paneer. So I would suggest anyone and everyone to not East the paneer outside.