Telegram is the popular social media messing application and it is way more popular than other applications like WhatsApp. Telegram has been doing great in crypto segment and recently we have seen that how many games are popular within this application. We also have the inbuilt Crypto wallet for telegram uses where we can send and receive Crypto easily but that's not all because some others wallet providers are also enabling telegram and providing the wallet services. Recently which get had also launched its wallet called bitget lite. Gradually more companies and projects are coming over to telegram. The communities function of telegram has been amazing since the beginning and I believe that this is one of the reasons why more of Crypto projects are choosing telegram as an application to integrate.
While the mini games are very much popular we have also seen that ton blockchain is well integrated on the telegram messaging application. Ton is leading blockchain network and there are many wallets supporting the transaction for ton coin. Now even safepal has launched its mini wallet app on telegram and seems like we are going to have many more names in the list soon.
SafePal officially introduced its Telegram Mini Wallet App on Nov. 2 after announcing pre-launch during a keynote at the TON Gateway event dedicated to The Open Network (TON) ecosystem.
It's like we would be able to play the games within telegram applications while performed into transactions like receiving and sending Crypto that also includes the stable coins of course. It is such a great way because within the application itself we have got the option to send trip to and stable coins with ease and the entire process is super easy that does not require a complicated process like we have to deal with other traditional non custodial wallets. It is a good example of innovation and I believe that this will continue to improve over the period of time.
It seems like this is just beginning for something big and if we look at the broader picture then hopefully in a year or two we are going to see lot of projects in telegram that will be offering a lot of services. Gaming is one of the biggest and growing segment in Crypto market and this has already landed on telegram which has been doing great. Bigger communities are there using the application and every project requires bigger communities to extend their product and services and telegram seem to be a right platform for them. It will not be a surprise if many new projects to telegram as one of the medium to launch their services here as well as through traditional method to gain more attention in the market. All though it's too early to say that how gaming is going to be in telegram because it is early phase of the trend and we need some time to figure out how things will be in future.
I have been using telegram application for quite some time and I have seen how the application has grown. There are many other applications having good user base but they have not build an integrated things in web 3 and crypto segment and properly that is why they are not that much popular. Let's see how things will turn out to be in telegram application in next 2 years and I anticipate that the wallet in telegram is going to be getting more attention as it is easily to use and many other service provider will be integrating their offerings as well. Again this is just beginning and hopefully we will see more coming in this space this bullrun cycle.
Thank you .
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