good afternoon to all my beloved nestmates.❤️
Hi friends, wherever you are, how are you? Hopefully you are all under the protection of Allah SWT.
on this bright day I am back again with you, I want to tell you about the pleasures and scenery in a place closest to the beach in a remote village. Namely Reuleu Manyang. In the past, this place was often visited by people because of the beauty and scenery from above to the sea which was very cool, it was truly extraordinary.
Well, friends, on March 2, 2025, precisely in the holy month of Ramadan. On the second day of fasting, my friend and I agreed to hang out while waiting for the time to break the fast.
Because we had nothing to do at home, we decided to go around while enjoying the sunset in the afternoon in the holy month of Ramadan.
After we thought about where we were going, I immediately thought of visiting a place in a remote village. Because I haven't visited this place for a long time, so I decided to invite my friend to go to that place.
Without further ado, we immediately took the motorbike and rushed to that place.
while I was on my way I took some pictures to show here.
Well friends, we did this trip at four in the afternoon. And the distance is about an hour from our village, arriving there at exactly five in the afternoon.
After we passed our village. About 25 minutes we immediately saw and witnessed the beauty of the sunset which was truly extraordinary.
The sunset in the afternoon is truly enjoyable. In the holy month of Ramadan. I immediately took and devoted some sunset pictures so that you all can witness a very enjoyable sunset. It is truly extraordinary.
This is the beauty of the sunset on the village road next to the pond which is very enjoyable.
in the middle of the journey we arrived at the village of calok where the place was not far from the village of calok. from the village of calok to the place of reuleu manyang it took about 15 or 20 minutes.
when we arrived at calok we immediately found a very beautiful mosque building. this mosque building was impacted beside the road to rueleu manyang.
I also had time to take some pictures from the motorbike because we had to rush it was already evening we had to break the fast at home because we did not bring tools and food to break the fast.
this is what a very beautiful mosque looks like, it's really amazing.
long story short we arrived at our destination. when we got there it turned out there were already people. it seemed like the villagers. to enjoy the beach breeze in the afternoon.
then my friend immediately parked his motorbike. and immediately enjoyed the beach closest to the place we visited.
when I saw the beach it turned out the sea water had receded it looked very beautiful friends. with clear water. I also wanted to take a bath there but I had to remember I was fasting and didn't bring a change of clothes.
I was forced to just enjoy the beauty from a distance which looked very beautiful with such an extraordinary view.
after that I also had time to take some pictures from below. it seems that the place we visited was very scary. with very large trees and. before when I visited the trees here were not as big as they are now..
when I just saw it I already got goosebumps. I also had to dare not to be afraid because I was not alone here.
this is the appearance of reuleu manyang from under the sea, it's really scary.
After we enjoyed the receding beach and the extraordinary views. We immediately asked permission from the people around to ask to enter the reule manyang place.
We were immediately allowed to enter by the people there. We only got a message from that person that we were not allowed to show off there and were not allowed to litter. Because it was a historical place in the past. There were many graves in that place.
Long story short, we immediately went up and had to be polite, we immediately said assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
When we were going up, we were immediately greeted by words that made us scared.
after we took and devoted some pictures we immediately went up because we were curious about the big trees with scary roots.
when I entered the area of the place. I was very goosebumps with the appearance of very scary trees.
but behind the scary trees there is peace in this place.
I immediately took some pictures of big trees with scary roots.
after I took some pictures from below when I went up. I immediately went up higher to see the view of these big trees. These big trees are really scary. When I was at the top, I immediately took some pictures of these trees to show to all of you so that you can witness the beauty and these scary trees clearly.
this is what the scary trees look like.
after I took some pictures of the creepy trees to show you all. not all the trees there are creepy. behind the creepy trees there are some trees that look very beautiful on the beach is really interesting. I immediately took some pictures because I saw the beauty of the tree. very interesting to me and very beautiful. blends in with the beach. therefore I want to entertain you all with the view of the trees closest to the sea. the view is really extraordinary.
this is the appearance and appearance of the beautiful trees on the beach.
after I took and devoted some views of the trees in the reuleung manyang place. I immediately went around the place to enjoy the view of the sea which was very pleasant. I had time to smile while looking at this pleasant view I was very happy. It turns out that behind the scary there must be a pleasure that we feel. I immediately relaxed for a moment on the hill that we visited while smiling and enjoying the natural beauty which was very pleasant, truly extraordinary.
after I enjoyed the beauty of the beach directly I immediately took some pictures of the beach to show to all of you who are always loyal with me so that you all can witness the beauty of the reuleung manyang beach.
this is the appearance and view from the top of the reuleng manyang hill that we visited to enjoy while waiting to break the fast in the afternoon.
after that I immediately wanted to go deeper because the tranquility made me very entertained by the view that I saw before my own eyes. I immediately rushed to go around deeper I saw the cave from above. I was very high with this cave.
Previously they said that in this cave there was a very large crocodile nest. Not a single person really went into the cave.
now I think the crocodile no longer nests there maybe it has moved from the cave.
chose to go further. I was very scared when I looked down I was shaking because of that I decided to take some pictures so you can see it directly.
this is the appearance of the cave from above is very scary.
After I saw the cave from above, I immediately continued to go deeper to look for beautiful sea views. Not long after that, I immediately found a road that seemed like people often visited. I immediately followed the road alone, my friend didn't go around because he was already enjoying the beauty of Reuleung Manyang Beach.
When I approached the beach, I was very surprised by the beautiful scenery, it was really extraordinary. I spent 10 minutes there.
Enjoying the beauty of the sea while contemplating alone is really fun, friends.
This is a very pleasant sea view
okay friends, maybe that's all I can tell you about enjoying the beauty of Reuleng Manyang beach.
with various kinds of scary trees and unexpected beauty.
I am very entertained by the pleasure of Reuleung Manyang beach, it makes me feel entertained by the beautiful scenery, it's really amazing.
and today I will show you all the things that can entertain me yesterday when I went to a place with the scenery that I enjoyed next to the beach.
hopefully all my friends can also be entertained by watching the views of the beach and hills that we visited with very scary trees. which I have immortalized above.
I apologize if there are any mistakes when I tell you all, we are all humans, we must make mistakes. thank you very much, my beloved friends.
all the photos of the scenery and the scary rooted trees that I show above, I took using a camera.
Camera used | redmi 9 C phone
| - | - |Traveling
F-stop | -
Iso speed | ISO focal length
| MM photography | Photographer
landscape | @mzammil
My name is Muhammad Muzamil, often called Mil by my friends. I am a #photographer. I come from Indonesia, precisely in the province of Aceh. I am a village boy who loves to explore the forest, loves to travel and loves to tell stories about what I get, so this Hive blog is the right place for me.