Cómo un gato de aspecto miserable (relato corto) [ESP/ENG]

in Freewriterslast year

La vida una persona puede ser particularmente solitaria a veces sin una razon para vivir, eso le pasaba a la señora Elvira, quien desde hace mucho tiempo estaba sola, en su casa, viviendo del recuerdo de su esposo y las breves llamadas que le realizaban sus hijos que estan en el exterior, una monotona y lenta vida que se pasaba sin proposito para la solitaria señora.


Ella siempre fue una persona muy enfocada en lo material, dando una mayor prioridad a las cosas que a la gente, solo se preocupaba por atender a su esposo, el difunto Dr Ramon, un destacado cirujano a quien su trabajo no le daba tiempo de estar con su familia y que a falta de tiempo, compenso con todo tipo de lujos, de los que sin falta disfrutab la sra Elvira en su juventud.

Si algo le desagradaba a la ahora viuda eran los animales callejeros, cuando tenia uno en frente era como si un mounstro apareciera, era muy aplicada en la limpieza de su hogar asi que una mascota siempre estuvo fuera de discusion, sin importar los deseos de sus hijos, si vida era en la casa, de compras y algunas salidas con esposas de otros doctores a algun club de la ciudad.

Ahora sin esposo, sin club, con los hijos lejos, ella se distraia viendo en su ventana como iba pasando lo que le quedaba de vida, viendo a los demas en sus quehaceres y preguntandose si lo que habia hecho con su juventud habia valido la pena.

Desde lejos la señora veia un gato que se posaba en la entrada del vecino este gato tenia como un aspecto miserable, flaco y sucio, se relamia de lo mas tranquilo, encima de la verja.

Lo curioso es que el dichoso animal no le causaba la repulsion de otrora, mas bien de alguna forma sentia que le hacia compañía, solo le faltaba el coraje de vencer sus miedos y acercarse a aquel extraño animal que le parecia llevar mucho mejor que ella una situacion mas dificil.

Hasta que una tarde salio de su casa y el gato de aspecto miserable, se comenzo a acercar, de modo sigiloso y con mucha precaucion, era como si alguien le hubiera hablado de los miedos de la anciana, hasta que luego de algunos dias, estase animo a dejarle agua, luego mas interesada le dio un plato de comida, lo que se convirtió en una rutina vespertina que le entretenia en su tedioso dia a dia, incluso le regalaba a sus nietos tejidos en forma de su amigo!

Al cabo de unos dias ya la señora estaba bañando al gato, quien luego de asearse delicadamente se acerco a sus piernas, tocando ella un animal por primera vez en mucho tiempo, a aquel gato no tenia aspecto miserable, era su amigo y una razon para mantenerse mientras llegaban los mensajes de sus hijos, una grata compañia para el final de sus dias!


The life of a person can be particularly lonely sometimes without a reason to live, that happened to Mrs. Elvira, who for a long time was alone, in her house, living of the memory of her husband and the brief calls that her children who are abroad made to her, a monotonous and slow life that passed without purpose for the lonely lady.


She was always a very materialistic person, giving a higher priority to things than to people, she only cared for her husband, the late Dr. Ramon, a prominent surgeon whose work did not give him time to be with his family and that lack of time, he compensated with all kinds of luxuries, which without fail enjoyed Mrs. Elvira in her youth.

If there was one thing the now widow disliked it was stray animals, when she had one in front of her it was as if a monster appeared, she was very diligent in cleaning her home so a pet was always out of the question, regardless of the wishes of her children, her life was at home, shopping and a few outings with other doctors' wives to some club in town.

Now without a husband, without a club, with her children far away, she distracted herself by looking out her window as she spent the rest of her life, watching others go about their chores and wondering if what she had done with her youth had been worth it.

From a distance the lady saw a cat perched on the neighbor's driveway, this cat looked like a miserable, skinny and dirty cat, licking its lips in the most peaceful way, on top of the fence.

The curious thing is that the animal did not cause her the repulsion of the past, but rather somehow she felt that it kept her company, she only lacked the courage to overcome her fears and approach that strange animal that seemed to be much better than her in a more difficult situation.

Until one afternoon she left her house and the miserable looking cat began to approach, stealthily and with great caution, it was as if someone had told her of the old woman's fears, until after a few days, she encouraged him to leave her water, then more interested she gave him a plate of food, which became an evening routine that entertained him in his tedious day to day, even gave his grandchildren tissues in the form of his friend!

After a few days, the lady was already bathing the cat, who, after having delicately groomed herself, approached her legs, touching an animal for the first time in a long time, that cat did not look miserable, it was her friend and a reason to keep her company while her children's messages arrived, a pleasant companion for the end of her days!