March 19th is on the calendar, but winter continues. The sun has been shining for several days, there are no clouds in the sky, but it is actually quite cold. In the morning, the temperature is -12 degrees. But one of the advantages is that we have solid snow, which allows us to walk in any direction.
This morning I took the dog and went for a walk along a short summer route - around the Black Forest, along the riverbank and back home. There is a longer route - 4 km, and the largest circle is 5 km. But I didn't dare go in a big circle today, because I had limited walking time, I need to sit down at my computer.
There are a hundred roads in front of me, a hundred directions, the Black Forest in the distance ahead, I will go to its right side, skirting along the riverbank, then through a tall poplar tree and return to this place. Friends, do you see a tall tree in the distance?
I can say that I live in the Wild Lands behind the Ice Wall from the movie Game of Thrones. True, I must say that the Ice Wall is invisible, but in reality our region is located behind this wall.
I love the river. If there is an opportunity to reach it, I visit it at all times of the year. I'm relaxing on the river. It seems to me that if the weather does not change, then in two weeks, the ice on the river will crack, and ice drift will begin. By this time, seagulls usually arrive from warmer climates.
My beauty can't stand in one place; she runs like her legs are on fire. But when she runs away from me, she always comes back because I can deceive her and go the other way. At the end of a walk, it can be very difficult to take Nora on a leash to lead her home. She runs around me and does not want to come near me, but I find a way to get her on a leash.
Friends, goodbye! Until the next walk.
Well. I wish all my friends, observers, and readers wonderful walks on Wednesdays. And also on Sundays and any other day!
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Good luck and have fun