
in Hive Learners6 months ago

The reality of our world as it has always been since time immemorial, is that of class struggle. There are many written works about this phenomenon, there are many scholars who devoted their lives to studying what it is all about and how to eliminate it from society.

Image is mine

Seeing the history of the world and how the world has evolved we can see that there has always been this huge divide - the rich and the poor - which only seems to be getting wider and wider in this day and age. The rich get richer and the poorer remain poor with no hope of ever attaining the financial stability that they seek.

Though in every country, measures have been put by the government to ensure that there is equality in terms of finances and one of these ways is through taxes. In every country, payment of taxes is a must as it is through these taxes that the government gets the funds which they use to provide amenities for the citizens in order to make life easier. The problem lies not in the payment of taxes, but in how the taxes are allocated.

Currently, I do not have expert knowledge on how taxes are currently being paid in my country because of the high rate of corruption that goes unchecked by the government but I do know that taxes are being paid by citizens in the country though it is proving difficult to see the taxes being put to good use by the government.

Talking about the allocation of taxes, I do believe that taxes shouldn't be allocated equally in the sense that those who earn large amounts of money and those who are barely scraping the surface have to pay the same thing. Those that earn more can obviously afford to pay high taxes but those that don't earn enough cannot carry unnecessary expenses on their shoulders.

Taxes should be allocated according to how much each individual earns either monthly or annually. This way, everyone gets to pay their taxes without one class of people feeling like they're being exploited and another class of people feeling like they're being cheated.

There should be a certain percentage allocated to each sector in the economy which would guarantee uniformity in the payment of taxes and ease the threat of the obvious class divide looming over us all.

If the government took taxes regardless of how much everyone earns, it would only serve to cause more economic problems in the country rather than move the economy forward. Only a few number of the entire population in the country would benefit as they'd be so wealthy, they'd barely feel the brunt of it because they're always pooling in more funds meanwhile the rest of the entire populace that do not have such luxuries would have to fight and struggle in order not to be found wanting by the government.

It wouldn't be fair to everyone involved.

Also, though the rich in society earn more, I don't believe that they should be taxed more because they earn more money than the rest. It would create an imbalance that would only favor the opposite class because they pay less. Equal tax payment percentage based on each sector would be the best bet though due to the difference in income, the rich would still pool in more but at least the percentage would be the same just based on the differences in income.


I like that part, the taxes should be paid in a way that a class won't feel like they are being exploited.

The major issue after all these is, using these taxes well for the good of the country 🥲

We may be in for more trouble in that case. Taxes are a certain commitment from the people to the government, in my opinion it should have a formula to it not minding the amount earned though it will work well for well established companies, I enjoyed reading from you.