The joy of every human is to be able to move freely. Every human deserves freedom and we all will derive some kind of joy if we all can move about, freely. For someone like me who has never traveled outside my country, living in a world without borders will be cool because I’d be able to visit as many countries as I want.
Getting the visa of some countries is usually hard so it will be easier for us to gain entrance into those countries since there are no borders.
Actually, this comes with its advantage and disadvantage and I’d love to begin with the advantages. One major advantage is that people will be able to move freely and enter different countries without anyone asking them some questions. At the same time, for someone like me who loves to travel, I’d be able to visit different places in different parts of the world as long as I have enough money that can transport me to wherever I’m going to.
Also, people will be able to mingle with other people not just from their country but from other countries too. Imagine being able to visit a country like India anytime I want to, I’d be able to mingle with them and learn about their culture and other things. Some of us have not been really privileged to visit another country or see how people in other countries live their lives so this will be a benefit for us to learn and even experience the lives of other people. Moreover, we can always go into a country and get out whenever we want.
As I said earlier, there is nothing that has its advantages which does not have its disadvantage and there is one major disadvantage in opening the borders of every country which is that the crime rate in the world will increase. The crime rate will increase to the point that the world may not be able to curb it. If you have been at the border of any country, you’d realize that they have a point where they need to stop and search you.
Since you are going into a new country, you are expected to be searched because there are some people who go into a country with weapons like guns and all to harm the people of the other country. They may even kidnap people from a country and take them to the other without anyone checking or stopping them.
Let’s take the war in Russia and Ukraine as an example. If Ukraine didn’t have a border and some security personnels at the border, Russia would have invaded in Ukraine and maybe destroy the whole country so you can see why we all need borders. There are so many people who are full of criminal acts or wicked acts so if those people should enter your country, the country may be doomed because they will commit a lot of atrocities.
Now, there are borders in every part of the world and we are still in disarray so imagine if there are no borders in the world. So let’s just stick to the border we have and also pray for the world to be a better place.