Hello everyone, good day and welcome to my blog.
Children are gifts from God and should be treated with utmost care and love. The responsibility of taking care of children is in the parents hands because no one stands in a better position to take care of them like the parents. Parents contribute greatly to what a child becomes in the future although they can't live the child's life for him or her but I think they can possibly impact on the child the basic morals children should learn when they are little.
There's an adage which says “You can only bend a tree when it's small because you might end up breaking it trying to bend it when it grows big”. There is a stage in life where you can no longer decide for your children what to do because they can only decide to follow your advice but you cannot control them like when they were kids.
Children grow with the morals they learned from home and the product of their behavior is basically the outcome of the training they received from their parents. While this is true in one way, a child could possibly deviate from what he or she has learned from parents during childhood. One thing I believe is that you can give birth to a child but you cannot live their lives for them.
I am a practical example of these facts I am putting together. I'm not going to the same church with my parents because I never had the opportunity to worship God as I wanted in my parents church. I was humiliated when I joined the choir and it was as if there was special treatment for some people while some people act like the assistant pastor of the church in choir. They picked their levels so high and made some of us look very inferior in the choir. I gradually lost interest in the choir and that made me join another music group outside the church and to the glory of God I can realize the development and achievement I made leaving my former church. Surprisingly, lots of people follow suit because the origin of the problem started from the top that I didn't even know..
One thing I believe it's that there are dreams only you can see and when you don't take proper action to secure your dream, you might end up losing what's important for you. I have trained myself to respect people's opinion now because there are many roads that lead to success. I am not going to have a fight with my grown up children because they don't want what I want, as long as they are doing the right thing they will receive my blessings but I will make sure I do my part as a good father to instill them with good morals right from their childhood stage.
Being the biological father of my children doesn't mean I'm going to live their lives for them, everyone has his or her own life to live and my job is to bring them to the world, show them the right path and make sure they learn what is good and what is bad, if they grow up to choose what is bad, it won't change the fact that I'm a good father and I have done my best for my children. One thing I will never do is to support them when they are doing evil, I will continue to condemn them till I die but if they choose to do what is right just in another aspect other than mine, they will surely still receive my blessings even to the fullest.
Thank you very much for reading through my entry for Hive Learners weekly contest for week 113 edition two.