Valuable Lessons That Keep Me Financially Stable

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Learning is very essential in life because it goes a long way in shaping our decisions and also keeping us on the right track. When it comes to finances, I have learned so much that has guided my savings and expenses.

I remember when I was a teenager—I was 17 when I started earning for myself. I was doing a POS business for someone, and I was paid 5,000 naira then. That was when 100 naira could be used to purchase something valuable, not now. LOL. Then, after 30 days of sitting in one spot for hours and weeks, I was struggling so badly with managing the money.

The one I spent on unnecessary purchases leaves me with nothing but change. Then I didn't understand needs and wants. The only time I ask myself where all my funds are going is when I remember having worked for months with nothing to show for it.

I adjusted due to a young boy who always visited my stand to make a deposit. At first, I thought he was always coming to deposit money for his aunt, but I was shocked when he told me the money belonged to him. Knowing I was older than him prompted me to ask him how he did it. He told me about making plans and budgets before any spending. I didn't take him seriously at first, but his consistency in visiting our shop for deposits challenged me to try what he told me.


I got a book at home and began writing out what I needed, the ones that were necessary, and scraping off those that weren't. It helped me know how much I spent and what was left. I kept on using a record book for my spending and savings, and that was a great help.

Another thing I did was make sure I saved a certain figure every month once I got my salary. Since it was 5,000 Naira, I started by saving 2,000 once I received my salary and then used the remaining for my written expenses just for me not to feel like I wasn't enjoying my hard work.

I am still practicing these today, although in a more refined way, like not writing them down in a book again but using saving apps to diversify my needs and wants. Another thing, like an addition, which is more like my personal policy, is that no matter how broke I go, I can never be left wanted by searching for a savior who will credit my aza with urgent 2,000 naira. I make sure I always have that last naira that never finishes.

Being the type that finds begging or borrowing a burden, I try my best to save for rainy days and always try to replenish it whenever I run there as the only hope left. With these lessons, I have been able to save more and stay debt-free. Knowing where my money goes gives me a high level of satisfaction that I'm not wasting my time every day going to wor


Wow that's a really good lesson to learn, a younger one is doing great with his finances. Good you learnt from him and did better.

Yeah, that's my great joy. It was a great privilege coming in contact with him. Applying those in my life has been of great value to my financial growth.

I'm also a big fan of your personal policy of always having that last naira that never finishes. It's like a financial safety net that you can always rely on, no matter how crazy life gets.

Seriously, that policy helps. Having an umbrella that covers one in a difficult financial moment can be a savior. I'm glad you adopt that too.

Putting scale of preference and doing away with unnecessary expenses help a lot.
Today, many people buy, buy and buy anything,... things they don't need and making them not to have any savings.

It's good you took a good step

Lol, I used to be among those set of people but I'm glad have cut down on unnecessary buying and that has been very helpful.

Boss lady.
Thank God for you 🙌

I used to write down my expenses whenever I spend any money so that if I want to give an account I would be able to know how I spend my money, and I don't spend my money on unnecessary things that I know it won't be valuable to me.

Yeah, when my the budgeting becomes choking or involves huge figures, I make use of my record book and calculator and I also employ some of these third party saving apps since there is room for such. That's a very good step to being in control of our finances.

Nothing beats being accountable for your expenses. There one huge money I got someday without seating down to draft my plan with that money. Till date, I am still hard on myself cos I can't place where the money went. That boy in your story challenged me too. Imagine his financial literacy at that age..very superb
You have learned so well my dear
Thanks for sharing with us

Making budget and planning are very important for accountability purposes. Spending without accountability can lead to unnecessary expenses. He was a great motivation to me and I remain grateful I learnt from him.

I make sure I always have that last naira that never finishes

This got to me. It might seem tough but it's possible. That look on people's faces when you go to them for money is sometimes embarrassing.

Saving is a hard thing to learn and even harder to practice. By the way there is a great initiative on Hive called Saturday Savers clubs where you set two savings goals for the year and make a post or comment from time to time with an update.
I take my hat off to you for saving though.
My mother would always say I have holes in trousers pockets as money would burn a hole in them and be gone as I was a spender lol

I love your method of saving, seems I'll also try it out.