My parents were not very strict with us.
And even when we had the full opportunity to turn and do all sorts of “nonesense”, we didn’t. My parents did more of talking and advising.
Around here, it's assumed that flogging is the best way to discipline a child. However, i think that It’s not only a cane that can change or train a child. Love can do better.
Thinking the only way to train a child is by being strict as a man, and resulting in flogging is a mindset that needs to be changed.
I’m not saying you should discipline your child, but there’s a difference between disciplining and punishing.
There's a fine line between discipline and abuse.
Discipline is not too painful, and it is with love with the goal of correcting a child.
While punishment is so that the child can suffer for his mistake.
Parents need to stop boasting about how good they can flog!
Boast about how well you can speak wise changes into your instead! We all know that it gets to that point where your energy to hit dwindles and/or the child can soak up the heat without flinching.
I shake my head when i hear any talks from peoe about how they can flog very well and how their kids tremble when they're around and put on the best behavior.
I think that caning is what makes children pretend and behave when you’re there.
Words, wisdom, and love are what make them change for themselves and for the world.
I',m not one who hits anyone. I believe that there are other ways to bring up a child without resulting in flogging as is the African thing. As one who deals with children, I know this so well. I merely observe the child and learn how best to handle their shortcomings.
If you actually think your kids need to pass through the same suffering and trauma you went through as a child to be “independent” and disciplined. Then I’m not sorry to say this: You need help!
Normalize realizing that, even if that suffering or “discipline” worked for you, It may not work for your kids too!
Before is not now. Be aware that if you are neglecting your child and treating them less to make them “stronger”, You are training civilized monsters. Let's call a spade a spade. If abuse is now disciplined, Then, the products may as well become monsters
The menace in society did not start from nowhere. It started from somewhere. Some people who were deprived of love, affection, and protection, as kids end up becoming abusive partners, rapists, killers. Because they were not taught any way else to deal with situations. After all, if their father hit their mother for speaking, why can’t they hit their wives too?
Now, after knowing all of this, the effects of this constructive discipline are important. I hope that the remaining sane people in the world raise their kids with love and affection. Ensure to discipline and correct them when necessary and with love. To remind them they are loved and valid.
Conclusively, its important to kniw that undisciplined parents cannot discipline a child effectively. Therefore, it's important that parents practice what they preach so they become good models to thejr kids.
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