Expectation is a driving force for more accomplishments and achievements. The more your expectation the higher your possibility of attaining your goals. A new season and year has been revealed fortified with lots of opportunities that one must deliberately plan to ensure good success at the end. Looking at the subject for this edition, I was so excited immediately I saw the update of the subject for the week on my discord channel. I never knew I could resolve in my heart to come up with this write up because I have lots of things I am looking forward to in 2024. Follow me as I share with you that one event I am eagerly expecting and how important this event is to both myself and family.
One of the outstanding event I look forward to in this year is my fifth wedding anniversary which is loading for April 27th. Is not as though I haven't been celebrating previously wedding anniversary, but there's something special about this year and particularly the wedding anniversary. In reality I'm not a fan of too celebration and remembering events like this unlike my wife that grasp virtually the birthdays of everybody in the family both nuclear and extended. As for this year, it's done on me that celebrating this fifth wedding anniversary will be pivotal to other things yet to be revealed in my life. When I remembered how my marital journey started, joy overflows my heart and all I have to say is thank you oh lord.
I got wedded on 27th April, 2019 at exactly 11:05am we were pronounced husband and wife. I wouldn't let everything from the bag now but just a pinch while the main details will be on the adversary date proper. One of the things that challenge me to mark this date this year is the processes I went through. It was both rough and smooth because God's hand was mightily involved hence I didn't struggle so much unlike other stories I heard. I had a single venue initially for the wedding but later metamorphosed to two.
This day remains indelible for me because it helps me to evaluate in other to ascertain my progress report thus far. This will enable project into the future for better planning and advancement. Within this period, God has blessed me with two wonderful kids a boy and a girl. Details will be shared on the anniversary day please don't be anxious. If you are...go and marry hahaahahaha. To me this is an outstanding Blessing that I shouldn't be in a rush to forget. There are some that are married for years more than me but don't have any sign or cry of a baby yet hmmm this humbles me to appreciate God for what he's doing in my life.
I look forward to this event because I am alive with my family. There are many that got married and died within their first week in marriage, while others died because different reasons that I can't explain hmmm what else would I give to God? Is only Thanksgiving I have. It's gonna be a moment of sharing testimonies with the young couples, singles and the aged in marriage as well. I'm eagerly waiting for that day so that I can add value to humanity and glorify the name of the Lord most high.
thanks so much for visiting my blog and all comments appreciated.