in Hive Learnerslast year

Envisioning a world that is secured and without any fault or default. When I saw the theme for this edition which happened to be the first day in the month of March. I was like what? A perfect world? Hmmm it must truly be imagination indeed. Imagination is a very vital tool that if properly used could give rise to an indelible results but if not managed positively it could just end up at the point of mere imagination without any reality. I like imagining lots of things and sometimes the impossible to be made possible.

Envisioning a world without any fault and no security challenges Hmmmmm I can't wait to live in such environment but is it possible? Especially in my dear country called Nigeria? It seems the opposite is the norm or culture of what people do here. The rate of insecurity and other evil is just on the increase in my beautiful country. We have been praying and still praying till date however many people have started developing or adapting to the whole dirty situation. The insecurity in the nation is just on the increase instead of people growing in knowledge that could bring transformation

I paid visit this evening to one of our mission field and was told of what happened three days ago. We were told that kidnappers came and abducted a man and a guy which some ransomed was demanded. Immediately I returned home, I stepped out to exchange pleasantries with a neighbour and he opened his mouth to tell me that robbers invaded his shop and carted away with his welding machine. Hmmmm what a nation that both the animate and inanimate aren't safe again ooooo.

Aside kidnapping which is like the latest job around my area, the rate at which people are dubbed by the so-called yahoo boys is alarming. It will shock every to note that even churches are victims of such experiences where fraudsters will cart away with church money and other resources. There are other evil that parades through the nation hmmmm with all these imagining a perfect world elsewhere wouldn't be bad. Who doesn't want a safe landing?who wouldn't want to live where your life and property is protected?

I would prefer to be a president or leader of a faultless and secured world where one could be free from these insecurity that has become a way of life. Hahahaha I really doubt whether it's possible on earth to live without any challenge where everything is just perfect. I think we need some of the challenges. It will build us and make us more stronger. It's commonly said that there's no champion without a challenge. The more the troubles the more one develops strategies of overcoming it. Many people aren't security conscious hence live anyhow and at times failed to take responsibility. A world perfect may not raise dogged and rugged people who will interphase with life. Envisioning a faultless world would have been the best place I would like to live. Is it possible to have such world? It's not bad to keep imagining.

Thanks for reading through and all comments appreciated


The world seems a scary place to live in. Please stay safe. We can't have a perfect world but, the vices and evils should be considerable low. I pray we get better at it.

Amen my brother and I will