Hello hive learners community! I trust we are all having a good week, although mine has already started being stressful from yesterday, But I wish us all a good week.
A photo of me in my happy mood
As human beings sometimes we are happy and other times we are sad due to one thing or the other, maybe someone was the reason of the sadness or probably because we couldn’t get or afford what we wanted, in all of the these being in a sad condition is not such a good place to be, because when are sad our spirit is also down and by that people around us also sad, their spirit would also be casted down.
Most times when we’re sad and unable to talk about it, it brings about depression and frustration, different thoughts begins to pop in our head, we begin to battle ourselves, fighting with our own thoughts and 100% of time this sadness gets the better part of us and makes us depress.
I have been sad so many times in life, it really ain’t a new thing because sometimes you can be happy and somebody from somewhere would just switch your mood in less a minute, I have cried myself to sleep many times, Sometimes I become sad thinking about past events and I find myself trying to console myself again, being sad s very draining because your stomach and heart would actually been hurt, most times when am sad I tend to be in my world and in my space and most of the times I cry out the sadness because its quite too heavy for me to bear, I end up having a terrible headache and mood, and that particular time I really just want to be left alone without my thought and without disturb because I don’t like transferring angressions to other people because it’s something I know that I will end regretting at the long run.
I hate the times that I’m sad because most times it usually goes with anger too, so when am in that mood I love to have my space and time because somebody could literally talk to me and I wouldn’t reply because I’m not even myself anymore, so that time I really love to have my space and a little time to regain myself, others times too I could be sad and nobody would even know because at the particular time I would even be the most happiest in a gathering whilst something is really hurting me deep down in my chest, but I would actually be making people happy so that they don’t notice that am sad because I really don’t like sharing my feelings with people because they might later use that same thing against you.
So what I do when am sad first I talk to God, because obviously he’s the only one that could turn things around in a twinkle of an eye, secondly I listen to songs that could relate to how I was feeling, I take a little time maybe like and an hour or two and just to talk to myself, then maybe tell the person that made me sad about I feel, I really don’t do that most of time because I always find it had to express my feelings but I think it helps alot, then lastly I will just take a nap to rest my mind and then I’m good again, because truly “HAPPINESS” is free, they don’t sell happiness in the market, we either decide to be happy or let people ruin our happiness.