in Hive Learners8 months ago (edited)

This is exactly the kind of question I should not be asked as, without giving it a thought, I know what my stance towards it is.

I've never liked either one; alcohol and hard drugs. They equally nauseat me with their repulsive smells plus the lessons about them taught to me at school made me loathe them more. And with the power to, I would not let one of them remain.


Let me begin with telling that both ate drugs- alcohol and hard drugs. By definition, a drug is any substance that affects the physiological state of the body when ingested. And we very well know that alcohol has effects, so...

A lot of people(myself inclusive) have this preconception that alcohol and drug addiction are different when in fact they're same. They both cause harm to a person's health and adfecf other areas of their life too. Another thing too is thar, the alcoholic and the drug addict suffer same desire and cravings for whichever one of these drugs that they are addicted to.

Truth is, a lot of people are struggling with drinking. Alcohol has far more dire consequence than a number of these supposed hard drigs and its laughable to see consumers defend themselves and matk themselves safe from being "drug addicts." Alcoholism has been discovered as a leading course of many ailments in users.

For many of us, we don't consider alcohol dangerous because it's legal(which to us implies safe) . In reality, you'll find that it is the legal drugs that are more addictive and dangerous, not necessarily the illicit ones.

If we make some research, we'll find that most banned and labeled illegal drugs, like Marijuana and cannabis, for example, are not as harmful as alcohol. Actually, some of them are somewhat beneficial but haven't undergone much studying.

Alcohol is much more detrimental to physical, mental and and emotional health. Besides, it is more difficult to overcome.

Practically speaking, making alcohol illegal is untenable. It's almost rare to attend functions where soda flows more than alcohol, nowadays even, when alcohol intake is used by young people to assume independence and maturity.

When the government of my country placed a ban on small sachets/packs of alcoholic drinks, I found it amusing. I considered it a means to get consumers to purchase the ones sold at higher prices. For effect, I'm made to believe that the alcohol market is a flourishing enterprise and tax paid and returns to government purses would hinder them from placing a ban on the beverage.

If the society would get any better if I, having the power to, places a ban on alcohol, I can't very much guarantee that. Users might somehow still find a way to get and indulge in the drink. But then, a lot would change. The scarcity of it will make consumers shift their need and find a replacement.

The thing with alcohol though, is that it's consumed more due to its legality and easier accessibility.
None, neither hard drug nor alcohol is a lesser evil. Both pose serious risks to the individual consumer and the environment.

Thanks for gracing this post.


To think that I was asking you about smoking and it's health benefits some few days ago😂. Both smoking and alcoholic drinks are harmful to our health and should be avoid if we cherish our precious lives. Finding out that alcoholic drinks are more dangerous than some of these hard drugs still keeps me in shock.

I couldn't agree more with the points you have mentioned! Thanks for sharing your perspective on this topic, it's brilliant

Thank you for reading, too.

I totally agree with you, both are extremely bad and I pity those that indulge in the acts.

You got it.
I wish they stopped already

This is exactly what some people don't know they think since alcohol is legalize it's risk is way lower than that of hard drugs not knowing all imposes same dangers.