Science has definitely gone too far, and the evidence is all over. It’s saddening how some fields keep registering remarkable leaps and achievements when it comes to science, while others who also require it, don’t really get any. Some methods, no matter how advanced they are, should have gone way further than they are right now.
I think it all boils down to priority. All over the world, governments choose to invest more money in weapons. Billions of dollars are spent each year just to arm soldiers and build the most powerful weapons. Military bases have research labs where they can conduct experiments and run tests to push the boundaries of science even further.
There is tech that can such the air out of an open space, there are biomedical weapons that can be targeted to either a specific person or group of people. There are weapons that can be fired from the USA to hit a target in a different country without going beyond the required range. Almost every month, there is a new innovation in town that makes everything else obsolete.
And this is understandable because whether you like it or not, the enemies will always be trying to get better. The enemies will always want to be more powerful than you so they can take you over, and as such you have to show that you have the power as well. So, I guess it’s a good thing. One of the reasons we’ve not had World War III yet is because everyone knows the weapon capabilities and fighting strength of every other country. And that is enough to deter anyone. It’s just like putting up a sign warning of dogs in your house, anyone who sees this knows at once that there are dogs in there.
Anyway, it all means that weapons are a necessary evil and they deserve the funding that they always get. However, one that I feel the innovation is not needed is just how far AI has gotten just now. Ever since we started using smartphones, we’ve been living more and more in seclusion from others and it has only gotten worse. Thanks to smartphones and internet, there is more access to porn and the like. With a simple click, you can watch whatever perversion you’re into.
But it doesn’t stop there, does it? No. Droids are now being made to act as partners for people. A man can go into the store and buy a robot that will be his sexual partner. This a very different from sex toys and the like, because sex toys don’t talk. This robot can hold conversations and tell you just about everything you want to hear. It'll be your friend, lover and confidant. But then, when we have things like this so accessible, people will have fewer reasons to mingle and interact with others.
Even as the world gets smaller, we’d be less like a community and more like a group of people who just happen to be in the same neighborhood. No sense of cohesion at all. It’s eerie.
So, this field is one I feel we went too far in the technology. But sadly, it’s still being pushed and innovations are still being made. A time will come when such droids will be easily accessible and then we ourselves will be the ones convincing others for why they’re important. Who knows, a time might come when robots will have rights as well.
So, what is that field that needs more science? Medicine! I know that there are groundbreaking achievements in the medical field already, and that’s commendable. But I feel that there is so much more to be done. I look forward to a time when terminal illnesses will be a thing of the past. When cancer will no longer be the plague it is today.
We need more innovations in this field, we need more hands here trying to figure out a way to prolong life. I’m sure that in the future, there will be only two ways for humans to die; by killing them, and by old age. Dying of sicknesses will be a thing of the past because every sickness, no matter how dire, will have a cure. And not just any cure, it’ll be cheap and accessible for everyone who wants a part of it. I believe that if more great minds are put to this if they’re given all the funding they could possibly need, then it’s only a matter of time before they get it.
We’ve come far enough as a people, thanks to science. I just hope that with time, science will come in handy as well and save us from so many of the illnesses and diseases that have taken so many loved ones away from us. It’ll be a beautiful period to be alive.