Hello everyone
Movies and TV shows sometimes have a powerful impact on ourselves. Any particular movie can teach us a big lesson and we can spend days after it thinking about that specific scene or sometimes the whole movie.

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Sometimes there is crime portrayed in movies, it maybe about psycho killing or bank robbery.
I don't think if the crime showed in the movie is bad for our minds until it is glorified.
We see a lot of movies where we see someone who is an anti hero (a person with traits of a normal person) is committing a crime showing it like he/she is doing it for a good cause.
A good example for this is Money heist and Breaking bad both these series are about crimes and both have a lot of attraction towards wrong doings. I even think that both of these got hit because of that anti heroic approach.
Such kind of series actually target our mind and get successful in their plan. Showing crime in such a way that it doesn't look like a crime anymore.
Those people committing crime in those movies seem like they are doing something holy and even though they are criminals we curse the police when it takes action against them.
So the question arises
Do movies promote criminal behaviour?
Listen, they don't if a crime activity is shown as a pure crime and they don't mix it with a good act.
Now, what's that? Actually, as I mentioned above about breaking bad where a person starts making drugs to earn because he was bullied in the society and also he had no money for his treatment of lung cancer.

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This kind of crime activity can place a thought in our youth's mind that doing wrong for our own good is not wrong.
So the answer is yes as long as this kind of crimes are shown in the movie where the hero is actually a criminal.
I get a lot of suggestions nowadays from my friends like hey bro, the banks have stored our money, it's the tax we pay and if we take it back (through robbery) it isn't a wrong act.
Where do you think this thought pops up from in their mind?
Can movies without crime elements improve society?
We'll talk about it but it will surely not improve the movie industry. Human history is filled with crimes and I can't even think of a movie with no involvement of crime.
So automatically, society can't have any impact from the movies without crime.
Instead, a movie with a criminal included can have a lasting impact on someone's mind only if that criminal is punished in the end.
One will have an idea about the punishment of doing that crime and he/she won't think to do that.
I am not a movie director nor a novel writer but i strongly suggest that things should be on there place in every movie or series.
If it's crime, it must be shown as a crime. Otherwise it's not only disturbing our mind but also increasing the crime ratio in the society.
If you have read the whole text, you might get the answer that it's a yes from me that movies are promoting crimes unless they turn back towards the pure crime activities and proper punishment for those crimes.
Well, that's all from my side.