Listen to God Almighty πŸ™πŸ™

in SublimeSunday β€’ 8 months ago

God Almighty is calling us closer to him and we should always Answer πŸ™πŸ™. God calls us in one way or the very other he has plans for us in which is really for our own good and we should always Answer and follow the ways he has set for us. His ways are not ours and in all he always has the very best plans for us which would really favour us all in our endeavours.

With the Lord there is Mercy, in him there is Plentiful Redemption πŸ™πŸ™. The psalmist sang is letting us all know that in the Lord there is indeed mercy, compassion in everything that concens, there is unity on you, in your families and everything concerns us all and really in him there is many Redemption. In him we all are redeemed.

God Almighty has placed us where we are to be the place of our salvation and we should always adhere to it. God is the author and finisher of our Faith he knows our good heart intentions and what ever would be for our own good to save our souls and he always does it for us . In as much as we might not really love the place at the moment but his ways are not our ways neither his plans are not ours. He does everything for our own good and very benefits that od we hope that place.

We should always listen to God Almighty for his ways are the Best for us all.
Images are my own

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Thank you for sharing.

Welcome πŸ₯°

A life with God is a life worth living.... Thank you for sharing.



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