It was a hot day and a great time for some refreshments. My husband and I decided to go out and find the perfect place to hang out. We aren’t sure yet where, but one thing is for sure—we are going on some spontaneous hunting adventure for coffee!
We hopped in our car, and I started scrolling Facebook. Boom! A photo of a trending café with a boho vibe graced my newsfeed. The café’s name? YDURS Café located in Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur. The uploaded photos seem like a perfect escape from the oppressive heat. I showed my husband the pictures, started the GPS, and enjoyed the spontaneous ride to coffee.
After almost two hours, we arrived at our destination. As we walked further, the café exuded a very laid-back atmosphere. YDURS Café rests under a few swaying palm trees with a warm rustic charm. It has dangling shells that produce sound whenever gusts of air hit it. A sound that is so pleasant to listen to. The beachy environment plus the boho-inspired decor were really welcoming. The open-air arrangement with handmade woven lampshades and soft string lights was so lovely to look at and created a cozy ambiance for chilling out.
Aside from the wooden furniture and bamboo accents, the YDURS café has sandy floors that give you the island vibe chill, all blending seamlessly with nature for the perfect coffee escape. The added rattan seats, wooden tables, and a hammock in the corner fit into a different realm-island character.
As my husband started to order, I looked up and found their beautiful thatched canopy. They have a blackboard menu that adds a personal touch to their place, where you can order beverages and treats for snacking.
I swear--I am not really into iced coffee, and I'm all good with a hot mug of Americano. Oh, the aroma! But since it's a scorching hot day, I might as well try something new. Something chilled would match the café's island vibe and laid-back atmosphere.
When my coffee arrived, I took a sip and suddenly felt relief. There's this satisfaction that washed over me from my first sip of the impeccably chilled iced coffee… It was a moment that confirmed the delight of this spontaneity.
Our little adventure was not only rewarded with a good iced coffee but also brought an even deeper connection and a reminder to live for every spontaneous moment.
All photos are personally owned by the author.
Collaged images were created using Canva.