A not so espresso
The Second World War ended, and the Allies arrived in Italy, after many hardships and deaths on the battlefront, the Nazis and the Italians surrendered. The bullets that took lives began to be silenced and peace began to flourish amid a holy field full of death and pain.
Beautiful Italy had been liberated from the tyranny of fascism and the airs of Freedom were blowing through the streets decorated with the hopeful smiles of a new beginning and faith in a new world.
Americans walked those asphalt streets witnessing pain and death. Greeted with cheers the soldiers paraded bringing with them the freedom lost by the ambitions of a despot, now everything was happiness in the country of pizza, pasta, the Pisa Tower, and the Roman Coliseum.
After settling in, the American troops began to look for places where they could find the delicacies that would remind them of their beloved country, the great country of the north. Their search did not give much result, since it was a different place with customs far removed from the idiosyncrasy of the Americans.
In that resounding search to find the flavors of their native land, the Americans invented a new type of coffee beverage.
Legend has it that some American soldiers entered a coffee shop, eager to satisfy their craving for caffeine.
They arrived at the barista, who cordially attended them and welcomed them to the establishment. The American soldiers took a seat, the intense smell reached their nostrils and seduced them, and their minds fell under the dark spell.
The waiter asked. "What would you like to drink, kind sirs?"
One of the officers carried away by the charm of the aroma, would say. "We would like to have a delicious espresso."
The waiter would look cordially at the officers, then turn around to prepare what was ordered with an almost deathly urgency for those who had gone months without tasting a delicious cup of freshly brewed coffee.
The waiter finished preparing the soldiers' orders and served them diligently. They could appreciate that intense aroma that awakened every sense, one of them took the cup with an unparalleled desire, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
He took the cup with both hands, almost with a gesture of supplication, and put it in his mouth. The organic delight was not long in coming and the coffee came into contact with the taste buds of the foreigner.
The American's taste immediately took over, he felt that that espresso coffee was too intense for him, the others took a puff and agreed with the comrade-in-arms. The Americans were not accustomed to such intensity in coffee, it was very difficult for them to drink without feeling that intense acidity and bitterness.
They called the waiter, who arrived quickly. The Americans told him about the problem with their espresso coffees. "We can't drink this coffee it's too intense for us, what can you do to solve this problem?" One of the soldiers was telling the waiter, who looked dumbfounded at the Americans.
"I have no idea, espresso is served like this here, you will have to get used to it," said the waiter to the Americans who did not look very satisfied with the answer.
One of the soldiers blurted out an idea and said. "And if we add more water to the coffee, it can lower the intensity." Everyone nodded in support of the fellow's idea.
The waiter heated more water and added to each cup what was ordered. The Americans went back to drinking the espresso and now it was to their liking. So every time they ordered an espresso they added hot water, lowering the intensity of the traditional espresso. Then the drink became very popular and took the name of American espresso.
Preparation of an American espresso
The preparation of an American espresso is not so complex, but it has its science so that the coffee is not unpleasant and without a good flavor.
First of all, we will need a large cup, for the extraction of the coffee we will use the measures as if we were going to prepare a normal espresso.
We recommend a coffee with an ideal roast; everyone will have their favorite brand of coffee to which they are accustomed. Once the espresso has been extracted in 25 seconds and 30 ml, which according to the experts is the perfect combination, we will need separate, very hot water. Finally, to our previously prepared espresso, we add the hot water and proceed to enjoy a delicious Americano. Cheers!
This story was fictionalized by me, the historical data was taken from the following sources:
All images are property of Yenny Aldazora
Edited by Rincón Poético.
Text authored by:
Yenny Aldazora

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