We can't deny that Amanita muscaria is so cute and photogenic; those who find it in nature know that.
I also found one, the first Amanita that I stumbled upon came to my home, right from the pastry shop where artisanal cakes are prepared. It is a really good place, they bake artisanal bread, empanadas, biscuits, cakes and other sweet treats and I need just a few minutes to get there. The other day we had breakfast there but I ate just toast with olive oil and tomato. The fungus I will present you today came with me home on one cake, a Christmas Yule log cake that could be seen here.
So, the official presentation:
Amanitus Cakeus Decorativus

...as the admin of the Fungi Friday community identified it.
And I have no doubt about that. Amanitus Cakeus Decorativus is one of the subspecies of Amanita muscaria, it has the same red cap and white spots but the stalk of this variation is a bit chubby. There are suspicions that it contains the same or similar psychoactive ingredients, such as muscimol, but that the whole fungus has a sweet taste.
It grew in that sweet log, found its new home in our fridge and lived there a happy life that lasted... for just a few days!

Although the admin of this community who gave this mushroom its name told me that I could eat it whole, I haven't gotten to that point yet. Yes, I have eaten the chocolate fence and the white chocolate snowflake, but the mushroom stayed at home while I spent the whole day in Valencia today with my son. I have photos from there, everything can be justified if needed.
Oh yes, there was also a little glove on the log cake, a tricolour glove. Red, white, and green - this garment exudes a very Christmassy atmosphere.

We arrived home in the afternoon, a bit hungry and with a slight headache; I needed to find a snack and the surprise that awaited me was shocking. 😱

I need no more explanation, you can see it for yourself!!! Someone ate half of this mushroom, Amanitus Cakeus Decorativus!
Hmm, you say decorativus...
Look at these decorative guys, they must be the culprits! They even wear clothes of the same colour as the glove that was by Amanintus.

Of course, they denied everything and the tip of the snowman's carrot nose pointed at another guy, a relative of him. He looked quite dazed and responded to my questions about whether he ate the mushroom in a strange language. Or it was just the way he was able to talk...
.lla ot yadirF ignuF yppah dna sgniteerG .rewsna ym daer nac sredaer ruoy epoh I .sdrawkcab klat em sekam eniw siht ,ees uoy tub ,suonosiop t'nsaw tI .ti fo flah eta ylno I yhw si taht dna llams ma I tub ,ytsat saw tI .pot no moorhsum ecin a htiw ,egdirf eht ni ekac fo eceip a dnuof I .gnihtemos tae ot dedeen I os ,knird eht morf yzzid tlef I ,tsenoh eb oT ?ti knird ot gniog t'nsaw I taht ,kniht uoy did tahW .eniw fo elttob siht em tfel uoy ,onaipiM raeD

In case you didn't understand him... well, he was saying that the mushroom wasn't poisonous but the wine made him talk in this way... he also told me a secret, that we could flip his answer back. 😂
! [flipped text]
Dear Mipiano, you left me this bottle of wine. What did you think, that I wasn't going to drink it? To be honest, I felt dizzy from the drink, so I needed to eat something. I found a piece of cake in the fridge, with a nice mushroom on top. It was tasty, but I am small and that is why I only ate half of it. It wasn't poisonous, but you see, this wine makes me talk backwards. I hope your readers can read my answer. Greetings and happy Fungi Friday to all.