Benefits for the habitants of the planet

in CLEAN PLANET4 months ago

Hello my people,

It's that time of the month again tomorrow in my state. The day the state authorities has set aside for cleaning in the state for everyone. Now my question is if cleaning our environment isn't important why would government pick a day in every month for this activity.

Except those on essential duty, no movement is allowed in any part of the state till the sanitation exercise is over. It is scheduled for 3 hours, this is to make sure the garbage in the streets are evacuated for the benefits of those living within the area.

For this tomorrow will be a special cleaning activity for us over here as we will be joining forces together to that of the authorities for this to be achieved.

At this i want to say that today wasn't exceptional in cleaning as it was definitely carried out by those who have the good interest of follow habitants at heart. Let's keep doing our best to make sure we don't lose this planet with our careless activity of wrong disposal of garbage.

Check my pictures from my gallery.
