Hi Friends,

If you have observed the theme for the recent Community Engagement Challenges by Splinterlands, you will see that, the topics for recent challenges are more challenging and fun as these are not regular challenges to write about a particular card or battle. But, it's about the core of Splinterlands like last week, we had a challenge to write about the Splinterlands Lore and this time, we have a challenge to explain about the Tournaments format we have in Splinterlands.
OK, here I go with details of tournaments, the benefits, challenges in joining tournaments and the constraints as well.


If you navigate in the path Play --> Tournaments, you will get into this page as displayed above, where, you will see a list of different items listed down and you may see same person with different items with options such as When, event, rules, prizes, entry as headers.
So, this is all about the different tournaments the Splinterlands team itself is conducting or some of those being conducted by other Splinterlands players with time of the tournament under when section and the type of tournament under event section, the rules for the tournament like which level of the tournament it is, which cards are being allowed (gold foil/regular), what are the editions being allowed in that tournament (alpha/beta/untamed etc.) and so on under rules and the nominal fee for the the tournament required to be paid is mentioned under entry header.
When the Splinterlands game initially started, all we had was a few bunch of cards and we used to get to battle with other real players and slowly game evolved to have tournaments where, there will be an option to join a particular tournament and battle it with other players who will be divided into different groups and some percent of toppers from each group will move to another round and those few selected players will again battle against each other (among the groups they are in) and based on the rankings, few selected top will receive the prizes as announced before the tournament starts.


The tournaments are a great way to earn some extra SPS/DEC/Cards or some other benefits as announced in the tournament and we need to spend time on these to be among the toppers and get the rewards.
As we see from the above screenshot, Splinterlands team and others have contributed about $7,467,087 in prizes so far and another $6,775 is planned for the upcoming tournaments announced so far.
This is a huge money and not all may get that, but the early investors in the game with 1000's of Dollars spent, will have an opportunity to compete in some of the great rewarding tournaments and get to win coveted tokens or money.
That doesn't mean that, these tournaments are just for rich players to get more richer, there are tournaments planned for all and even the newbies can also get into tournaments where the rules are less stringent and showcase their skills and be part of the winners.

As part of the tournaments, some of those will have a very huge requirement of staked SPS especially those gold foiled tournaments or tournaments where only higher level cards are allowed to be used, obviously, the fee/stake requirements will be higher as the prize amounts will also be higher and this will be a challenge as only few high staking guys can only play in such tournaments, but, as I said above, there are tournaments for everyone and we just need to check the rules and requirements before joining any tournament.
Other major constraint I can think of the time, yes, the time to play in these tournaments.
We spend atleast an hour to battle out those regular ranked battles (say we have about 25 battles a day) and we also spend time weekly on the Brawl battles which involves the gladius packs cards and are another source of income where we earn SPS and other token known as merits and on top of these 2 battle types, we need to spend time on the tournaments.
For a person who works in regular 9 to 5 jobs, it will be a difficult task to find time to play those additional tournament battles and if you are a family man, definitely, it will be a tiresome activity after providing time to your family after the regular corporate/Government job time.
But, it depends, if someone is really wanna make some extra money, then, it's like to gain something, we have to lose something and have to sacrifice some of our other activities to be part of these tournaments and earn those extra bucks.

Overall, I can say the tournaments are definitely worth playing if you like those challenges and have enough time, then definitely these are another source of income to showcase the skills and earn more on Splinterlands.
Time is the only thing that matters (ofcourse the battling skills matters too) and it's a wise decision to wisely use the time to earn more on the ever growing gaming platform on Hive Blockchain!!!!
Thanks for going thru my views on the tournaments and I would always welcome your views/suggestions/feedback on these and my blogging.
P.S: All the images used here are from Splinterlands website unless explicitly sourced and are the property of Splinterlands.
Thanks, have a great Saturday and keep blogging and sharing those awesome blogs about the game :)

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