Normally you don't even think of something like this. Obviously, how can there be fruit or vegetable plants in a place like a public park and certainly not vine plants. Because they do need a different kind of care and get infected easily if not pay attention to them.
So I didn't have even 1% thought in my mind that this could be a vegetable plant, and to be honest, I am still not sure about this. When seen from a distance, these golden flowers amidst the green all around seem attractive to me, so I was just drawn towards them.
In the beginning, I did not even know that these flowers were not on an upright plant but on a vine. As I have mentioned in my previous blogs, trimming and cleaning of this place has not been done after the rains.
And since plants grow at a faster rate after the monsoon rains, the grass here has grown 4 to 5 times taller in the last month or so. But anyway, as soon as I got closer to them, I realized that these were not ordinary wildflowers but something else.
Those who grow fruits and vegetables in their gardens would know that both its leaves and flowers are like members of the Cucurbits family.
Although its leaves are as big as those of a pumpkin, its flowers are much smaller in comparison. That's why I personally think it could be a cucumber vine. However, the results of Google Lens also agree on one thing that it is a member of the Cucurbits family.
I saw many vines like this and even more buds on them, but none of them had even started to form the shape of the fruit. otherwise, the identification would be easier.
But anyway, I stopped here not for its fruit but for the glow of its bloom and even while taking these photos I was happy to see nature flourishing. : )
That's all for today's blog.
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