Splinterland's : My honest review of the Survival mode.
One of the good things of the Splinterland's challenge is that they are encouraging player to write their experiences or view on some of the topics that are not much used in the game. Previous challenge about "Custom Set Creation" not only caused me to explore them but also help in earn some DEC after they got rented out after listing them in the market.
In the same way "Survival Mode" challenge not only caused me to explore this feature of the game , but also gave me idea that how my meticulous planning may help in getting more "SPS" (+ Glint too maybe) for my unused cards. I tested the "Survival Mode" using my Alternate account as I do not want to risk my cards to be out for cooldown in my main account at the very beginning of the season. This testing gave me better understanding of the Survival mode and I am to share mu experiences with the community.
You lose the cards even you win the match.
I was in assumption that when you lose the battle, then all the cards and summoner of your team will become unusable until they complete their cooldown.
So when I noticed that my Torhilo the Frozen is disabled for further battle , I got little surprised because I won the battle.
As you see in the card screenshot, it become unavailable for next 6 days. I checked the survival mode rule again, and realized it says "card" defeat, not the team so it is a valid scenario in accordance to game rule that I interpreted wrong.
Custom card set limitation.
I was wondering that our own Custom Created card set might feature while choosing team for the battle but I see it is not available for user "created" custom sets. It is only available for the game provided card sets currently.
Option is here that you can go that specific cards and enable and disable multiple copies of the card at once. Having so many unique cards in the game, It look like very time consuming option and I hope that peakmonsters might be able to give up some tool for mass enable and disable of the cards for Survival mode.
May be "Paeakmonster.com" help us by adding an option for "Add in Survival mode" /"Remove from Survival mode" for mass adding and removal of cards in survival mode.
Surrendering in the survival mode.
After winning multiple battle in Survival moode and just losing a single card, I got a thought of testing the game mechanics regarding the surrender in survival game mode. I tested below scenarios for it.
a.) Why explicitly clicking on surrender, even before entering the areana.
When I explicitly clicked surrender even without the arena, I noticed that battle result shows that my 1 summoner and 1 card got disabled and count of "Depleted cards" also increased by 2.
b.) Entering arena but not creating team (Auto Surrender.)
In this scenario, when timer to create the team ended, autosurrender happened but I was not able to start any new battle in Survival mode, Even after logout and hard refresh of browser cache kept displaying that message. I guess after some 10-15 minutes, I got battle result display window of defeat and again 2 more cards i.e 1 summoner and 1 monster got depleted (become unusable) in the game mode.
There can be other scenarios like "Auto Surrender" even without entering the arena and my assumption is that result might be always the same, you will by default "kill" your 1 summoner and 1 monster cards . In my opinion,it is batter to fight instead of surrendering and losing 2 cards without fight.
Currently, there are no "revival potion".
Team promised the revival potion in future release and currently they are not available . so I will suggest to be very careful while playing the survival mode.
Theory waiting to be tested
I guess, I have read that season reset will reset the "unusable" mode of the cards, I have to wait till the season end to test this hypothesis and it is now become one of my "To do List" before the season reset.
Using an Alt account may help depending on your goals.
Depend on the goals, whether you want to earn SPS or Glint, you can go for the Alt account. Using Alt account will save the labor of manually flagging all distict cards for the Survival mode, but in other hand, you need to stake SPS for that Alt account also. I do not recieved Glint for the battle but using Alt accout, whatever Glint you will recieve is not useful at all.
My 2 cents.
It is good initiative and helpful to the player that do not want to sell/burn the cards and current rental market has no takers for the cards. Since playing survival mode do not use energy, that make a "good" player to play unlimited battles and creating huge "rshares" from the rewards pool. It is too early to comment how it will benefit the game, or in other words how it will be going to exploited in the game. My basic testing helped me to figure out that it will be better to flag out cards if you playing survival mode but at present it is quite a laboursome and time consuming process.
This is all for today , but if you like to read more of my Splinterland content then you can find the link below.
Link to my previous but recent splinterland's post.
Splinterland's: I am feeling lucky in the game today.
Splinterland's: Step by Step guide on creating and renting custom sets.
Splinterlands: Start of new era in Splinterlands
Splinterlands: It is time to stack DEC.
Splinterland's: Cards that can be earned only.
Splinterlands: Will Training Lead me to the higher Leagues?
Join the game.
If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here
I saw a few of the players joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.
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